Thursday October 28th, 2010 9:20am
Granger, IN South Bend KOA
Just before I left Nashville, a woman who attended the class hit me up to stop by St. Louis since it was right on my way to Kansas City for Truly Bound, my next Trailer Trash Tour stop. She said her local gang would feed me and that Tuesday was bowling night. BDSM bowling?
I agreed and got to SL that evening and sat down to a great BBQ with a very nice group.
While there I met the guy who does most of the organizing for big St. Louis events like Beat Me In St. Louis and Spanksgiving. Love these creative event names,don't you? A guy named Jsin. Very likable guy. He mentioned his events and the fact that he would like me to come to one sometime.
He also mentioned something about a woman named Frenchies on fetlife, who wanted to come to Truly Bound but her Dom wasn't available or out of town or something. He said she hated to come to events alone but really wanted to meet me. Would I mind meeting her and letting her hang out with me.
First off I remembered someone by that name on Fetlife who was kinda hot and who I had flirted with a bit there. So between playing to my ego, her being hot and an event guy who seemed like a decent guy....I agreed. But first I had to check with gg who was my date and event demo model for Truly Bound.
Then I went bowling with the St. Louis gang. Not bdsm bowling...although that concept has been playing itslf out in my mind since. The last time I had bowled was about 10 years ago when I started MY bdsm journey. I bowled about the same average as I did all those years ago. Around a 160 average. Weird huh?
Lil catch up on gg. If you've read my blogs at all you've seen her name mentioned before. To sum things up, I love gg. I may not be IN LOVE with gg but I think she is one of the most amazing people I have ever known. Definitely near the top of the list of women I've known for many reasons. The biggest is that in the several events we have been at together I have never known her to have even a minute of drama. NONE. Zero. I can always count on her. Even when she can't be happy with the way things are going sometimes, she never lets on...she has this sensible way of dealing with everything. A "life is too short" modus operandi. (If I got that phrase right).
So I contact gg, ask her about another girl joining us and she says something like "I'm ok with that Lew." I sense that she is being easy again and while she isn't crazy about it, she is ok with it. But I could be wrong.
So Jsin gets me n Frenchies together on texting. We hit it off. Texting like mad, flirting, ect... Now if you read back a few blogs you'll see where I address the difference between meeting online and getting your hopes up too high before you meet.
So naturally I'm wary but this is going good so far.
We agree to meet at a Waffle House the next morning on my way to KC. The next morning I get there a few minutes ahead of when we are to meet, sit down and order coffee. 2 minutes later, still ahead of the meeting time, I see this tall, tanned skinned, shapely, lovely thing walking in. I think, "I sure hope that's her!" It was! And she wasn't THAT tall, it's just that she was wearing these 5 inch heel boots...ok REALLY good start!
We met, we flirted, we talked kind of intelligently. I say kind of because I don't want to give myself too much credit. She was obviously very bright.
That morning at the Waffle House was a bit surreal in looking back at it now. An almost movie-like setting, complete with an interesting cast of characters coming in and out of the lil breakfast stop, a waitress with character, a leading woman who was full of personality, charm and good looks.
Near the end of a long casual breakfast, the waitress, who reminded me of someone I would cast as the motherly matron of a hometown restaurant came over and pointed at one of my rings. She had been interacting with us throughout the meal like a good country woman waitress should and by then we all felt like old friends.
"That ring is interesting looking" she said, "It looks like a Celtic knot or something"
I raised an eyebrow at Frenchies then said to the waitress, "oh, are you interested in knots?" and gave her a sly smile. She kinda looked like she could be a bdsm scene person, so I went
I took the ring off to show it to her more closely, while she replied "not into knots per what do you do for a living?" she asks.
I grinned, looked right at Frenchies, then back to the waitress, who was now looking right at me with an eyebrow raised. "I'm a lecturer, an educator" I replied to her.
She immediately asked "on what?"
I told her "adult topics." "Oh" she said. Then I dropped the ring on the table.
"It's a puzzle ring" I said as it hit the tabletop and fell into disarray as puzzle rings do.
She picked it up and played with it while conversation continued for a few minutes. Then she handed back the ring and watched as I reassembled it.
"Wow, cool" she said and took the ring from me for closer examination.
I thought.
Then she held it reverently in her hands, close to her chest, closed her eyes and mumbled a few words.
Goose bumps rose on my arms.
She handed the ring back and said "I'm an energy worker"
I said "I see that. And I felt it too!"
I looked at Frenchies and she was wide-eyed too.
Good day so far.
Frenchies and I talked a few more minutes, then went our separate ways, agreeing to see each other at the event Friday.
The event went really well. Frenchies and gg got along quite well and the three of us hung out the whole event and had a wonderful time.
Frenchies has gorgeous legs and loves high heels and clung close to me n gg the whole time. I like clingyness. Is that a word? It should be.
We took a lunch break Saturday and a bunch of us took a short walk to a nearby greasy spoon. It's a nice sunny day, I'm feeling great. Who wouldn't with a beautiful girl in high heels on each arm walking down the sidewalk. My chest puffs out...I try to "saunter" cause that seemed like a cool thing a nerd like me would do.
I turn to one of the guys behind me and say "Outside I'm acting like Mr. Cool...but inside I'm thinking: I'm not worthy!!" Everyone laughed.
I tied up Frenchies at the play party that night...and another red haired hottie...
The scene with Frenchies was pretty hot. She is a giggler. Gigglers are contagious. So much fun.
The event ended....too soon as good events always do. Me n gg agreed we made a new friend. We all kissed n hugged goodbyes.
So many other cool things happened at Truly Bound in Kansas City, Missouri. I just don't have time to write about them all.
Left there very happy.
Next cool part of this story:
Gg and I spent Sunday night relaxing at he host hotel and got up the next morning deciding to see a little of the city. She didn't have to be at the airport till mid afternoon, so we tooled around for a few hours. We went to a museum, saw a world war 1 memorial, found a lovely little chocolate shop and fed our chocolate fetish. Then decided to find a book store with internet to kill the rest of the afternoon till airport time.
While using gps and making the typical wrong turns that two ADD people do, we ended up going to a freeway exit that seemed familiar to me.
I told gg that I think were were going to the same exit I used earlier in the week to drop off my trailer at a friends place...and wouldn't it be fun to pick up my trailer now and do an abduction scene?
Gg perked. lol
So it WAS that exit!
While we drove towards the trailer, I told gg she should let me tie her up in the back of the trailer and take her to the airport that way.
Nice fantasy right? Makes us all hot right?
Have you dear readers ever tried anything like that?
It's fucking scary!!
This is kinda how it went:
We got to the trailer, I rang the friends doorbell to let them know we were here picking up the trailer. No one answered.
I gave gg the tour of my grand living accommodations of the past 3 to 4 months, then threw her down on the bed at the back of the trailer and cruelly tied her up. I mean tight! I knew I didn't want to ballgag her for the drive cause it's just too hard to breath sometimes. But I DID want her to go into the airport with bright gag marks. So I tied rope tightly as a gag.
Then went about my business hooking up the trailer to my truck. From the outside as I worked I could hear gg doing her role paying damsel-in-distress routine.
I got things half way ready when the friends came home.
I said hi and we made small talk till gg hollered for help again. You couldn't hear much...but enough. The friends ARE kinky and were at the event and know gg. So I opened the trailer door and let them see her.
They thought that was pretty cool.
So did I.
I finished getting things hooked up and went in once more to close windows and such to make things road ready.
Gg let me know her ankle was killing her. A rope was sitting wrong and causing so much pain that it distracted her fun. As it turned out, it also distracted me from my typical routine of getting the trailer ready for travel. More on that soon.
I re-adjusted gg's ropes, she thanked me and I got in the truck to start the drive to the airport.
THIS is when reality steps in.
You know...REALITY! That thing that sits somewhere between the fantasies we all play with and real life where there are laws and dangers and Murphy sits waiting for us all to fk up?
I'm driving down the road pretty dam happy with myself. I gots me a fur real Trailer Trash abduction victim!! Yuk, yuk.
Hmmm...hope I don't get in an accident. I better pay good attention.
Hmmm...wonder if gg is doing ok?
Hmmm....I should have double checked the brake lights on the trailer. It would suck to get pulled over.
So many fking hmmmmsss!!! Now my mind is producing billions of scenarios where reality could truly fuck me up...fuck US up.
I roll down my window...I'm sweating. Yeah...big bad abductor man...woo woo...
I go into heavy scared top space. That's like regular top space but without as much fun.
I'm concentrating...I'm watching everything...seeing potential danger everyfuckingwhere! The 15 minute drive to the airport takes DAYS!!!
Finally we get there and I try to look casual at the airport where they would NOT think we were cute playing tie up games.
I get out and go back to the trailer and when I get in I notice that the toaster oven that is usually on top of the microwave is NOT on top of the microwave. I usually move it to the bed when I travel because it falls off when I bounce down the road.
All that thought takes 2 seconds then I speed up to find gg on the other side of the bed from where I left her hogtied.
She is still making victim sounds and trying to talk through the rope gagging her.
I shush her thinking we don't really want to be heard right now...what with airport police everywhere.
I quickly untie her....mouth first, then the rest while she is telling me how afraid she was the whole trip. She saw that toaster over shifting on every bump and I had her tied so tight that she had a LOT of trouble moving away from it. All she could think about was that thing falling on her head and horrible injuries coming from it.
Aren't we quite the badasses?
I get her completely untied and tell her we will talk about it all soon but we have to get going to we don't attract attention. Us in a beat up old travel trailer at an international airport playing bondage games.
I tell her to recover as much as she can and come out when she is ready while I get her bags out of the truck.
I do so. She does so. We meet on the curb. Look at each other and laugh in an almost manic way while hugging.
She has deep rope marks on her mouth, wrists and very visible ankles in high heels.
WE are crazy kids right?!!
We laugh more, kiss passionately and say goodbye.
I watch her for a few seconds walking away. I wonder about her checking in with all those ropemarks.
I get in my truck and drive away.
My heart starts to slow down a bit. The smile won't leave my face. Fear leaves and is replaced by bondage coolness again.
MAN! That temporary reality thing sucked!!
It's a couple days later now. Gg just happened to text me as I was writing this.
Her exact words:
Lew, Lew, Lew - just can't shake that airport abduction...fuel for fantasy all week. :)) thank you thank you for the fantastic dam scary so dam hot!!!
I agreed with her and we agreed to try that kind of thing again sometime.
Easy to say now right?
Oh and I'm now slated to go to Spanksgiving in St. Louis with Frenchies.
What a world eh?
The end...for now...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Traveling Man...
Wednesday October 27th, 2010 10:11 am
Somewhere in Illinois at a KOA Kampground
Catch up time
So many of my memories of the last few weeks keep flashing back to the women who graced those memories. "Graced" is truly accurate. And graced is how I feel my life is most of the time. So I'm going to keyword the recent events by name.
The date is Friday Oct 15 and I arrived at "The Mark" in Nashville, the bdsm play space and shoot location for the day.
One the way there I thought often about how much bad luck I had for this coming Lewbari Weekend. Not many sign ups for the class, had several demo model cancellations and actually had to have to local group supply me with a demo model. That turned out good though, which sometimes can be scary. A lovely young lady helped me with the classes that followed over the weekend.
But I digress again...and as usual.
Other bad luck was that a shoot was planned today and since my models had canceled, again local models were supplied. Now to say I am a bit jaded is true...very jaded is even more accurate. I mean lets face it...not everyone is a "Sabrina Fox" who was supposed be the first choice way back 3 cancellations
So I start carrying my gear in, met up with TinyK, my newest Nashville friend and totally good photographer and the organizer for this Lewbari Weekend. We caught up while setting up for the shoot and he mentioned that the first model coming was Alice.
I admit it....I kinda "ho-hummed"....
Anyway a little while later Alice came in. Nice. Cute, shapely, seemed to be upbeat, if a bit shy at first. We talked, made shoot plans and started on a fishingline in the cage idea.
Alice put on a bikini n heels outfit and I started..uh....warming up a bit. I still wasn't like charged up or anything but she was hot and showed possibilities.
I positioned her in the cage and repositioned her, then again. Till I had her like I wanted her and started wrapping and threading the fishingline, starting at her heels.
I had trouble and was feeling a little like I was just going through the first...
Then I found a pattern in the lines and that helped. Artistic distraction I guess. So I got all caught up in that and was warming up even more. A few hundred feet later of the 20lb test fishingline wraps later and what I thought were some cool wraps, I noticed Alice trying to adjust for some discomfort. I just kept moving so I didn't lose my rhythm and concentration. I mean all she had to do was stand there! Sheesh. A bit later discomfort showed on her face and she tried adjusting again. This time I stepped out of my god-like artistic creative place and acted like I was a decent human.
I looked down and her ankle in one heel was leaning at almost a 45 degree angle and the fishingline was cutting in so hard that I was afraid is was going to cut her.
I sooooo suck!!
So I went into the opposite of god-like artist which is somewhat closer to moronic imbecile mode. I worked out a way to get her ankle comfortably back under her and lucky for me she recovered enough to finish the shoot. I thought at one point I was going to have to give it up but Alice showed some spunk. A lot of it. And character.
And personality. And intelligence. Did I say she was cute too?
So now I realize some things. 1.She is trying hard for me. 2. I'm an idiot. 3. I need to rise to the occasion for her.
With renewed energy and enthusiasm I attacked this shoot. It was when I started wrapping lines close to her face that the magic hit me. What magic? Many forms of it.
Something about being near her face. Watching her eyes, her facial reactions when I hit a line that made me express hotness. The flush of her cheeks when I hissed through my teeth when things started looking really cool. She had a kinda of Irish way of smirking when she blushed. Very cute.
The day was picking up. I finished the fishingline piece, TinyK shot it. At the end I grabbed my scissors and started to cut her loose, then stopped. And put the scissors in Alices tied fingers. The ensuing fun MADE that scene. It was so cute. Alice was charming me... hugely.
The rest of the day went great. Two other local models came in, had great fun with them and finished the day by putting Alice into a plastic web thing. We were laughing and having a wonderful time.

Later once the shoot was over, there was a play party at the club. I found myself hoping Alice would be there. She wasn't. Oh well. Can't have everything right?
Did day one of the classes, everything went well. Alice was TinyK's model for the day while I taught and I found myself flirting with her as the day went on. I couldn't tell for sure whether she was flirting back or not.
In the middle of the day we all went to lunch together and either on the way there or coming back from lunch, I don't remember which, I made a comment to TinyK, and made sure Alice could hear, something about kidnapping her and keeping her forever.
She did hear and replied that that might just work because she is really into that kind of thing.
SCHAAWWINGGGG!!! THAT was what I wanted to hear but never expected to!!! I was so caught off guard that I made some kind of dorky noise or exclamation or comment.
And my heart started beating much more rapidly than it just was. And it hasn't slowed down yet.
I had to bear down the rest of the teaching day just to NOT focus on Alice. Play party coming that night. Alice seemed like a bdsm newbie who was acting like a non- newbie. I didn't know just where she stood. Something made me believe she did not want to do extensive negotiation. So I just waited. I flirted. I teased.
Finally that evening came. She was already there. Hanging out with TinyK. People stopped to talk to me. I kept watching her. I didn't know for sure if she even knew I was there. I didn't know if she wanted to play. I didn't want to get caught staring at her. I caught her eyes in passing once. Then again. Then put a short rope in my back pocket and made my move.
I stood up and stared right at her from across the room until she looked my way again. Then I quickly hid behind a post that was wayyyyy too small for me to hide behind. She smiled and giggled. YAY! She SMILED and GIGGLED!! Others saw us....TinyK included and laughed.
I backed up to the dark shadows and plastered myself to the wall in a bad B-movie kind of way and edged closer to her.
Many people were watching now. When ever Alive looked at me I froze and looked nonchalantly in anther direction. She giggled again and looked away. She was playing right!! Encouraged, I moved closer little by little. As I got closer there was no cover to move in in a stealthy way. But there was a guy from class near me. I stood him between me and Alice - who was still half way across the room- and asked him to go over to a shelf, slowly, that was near Alice and act like he was looking at something on the shelf. When he agreed to play along I did the overacting exaggerated bad guy tiptoeing routine behind him.
Now everyone is watching and laughing and so is Alice. I pull the short rope out of my pocket. I pounce! And throw the rope around Alice's upper body and hold it there, exclaiming "Aha! Got you right where I want you now! Almost." She struggled a little then acted like she couldn't get away. After she and everyone else stopped laughing I waited a bit to see if that was as far as she wanted to go or if I could get away with more. I'm standing there holding a rope around her torso and arms and she just sits there and the people around continue their conversation.
I take that as forward I slip the rope off of her torso, pull her arms behind her and say "Well, if you are just going to sit there I'm going to take advantage." She lets me tie her hands.'s ON now baby!
I stand her up, turn her facing me, and pull her close, body to body and tell her she is MINE now. I look around, decide on a post to tie her to and start manhandling her towards it. Spinning her, keeping her off balance, arm around her neck one time, dragging her backwards another. She is slightly a way that tells me she LOVES resistance play. I do a few cute moves to tie her hands behind her back to the pole and start circling her like she is my captured prey.
She struggles.
Now let me digress a minute here about me and struggling. I LOVE struggling. Even bad fake struggling that most bondage models are taught by producers. Even struggling in movies where you KNOW the victim can get loose but she acts like she cant. Realistic struggling is very hard to come by. It's even hard to teach. But that's ok. ANY struggling makes me hard. It's my biggest turn on in the bondage world.
Alice struggled like a real damsel-in-distress would struggle. Sheesh. So hot. She reached for the knots first, trying to find ends. She could just barely touch the ends but not enough to pull on them. She quickly changed tactics and moved her wrists up and down, twisting them to try to loosen the nylon rope I tied her with.
Then reached for the knots again....repeat.
I'm telling you. I was the one captivated. Totally entranced by watching her act like she was really in trouble and HAD to get loose. I had to shake my head and remember that I was the bad guy and moved in on her again.
I stood right in front of here, held her around the waist. I saw her glance down, knowing that she could have kicked me in the balls but deciding not too in case she couldn't get loose before I recovered. Cause then I would be a really pissed abductor. She turned her head...not wanting to look me in the eye. Fking hot...
I whispered sweet-(kidnapper)-nothings in her ear and went to get more rope.
She started struggling hard again as soon as I moved away.
I added more rope, she tried to keep me from adding rope, which made me in turn tighten it even more.
I put a ballgag around her neck and told her how I could force it in by forcing my fingers between her lips and pushing down, causing pain and get the gag in any time I wanted....but that she should just open up because it was painful and I would end up winning anyway. She didn't open. Stubborn victim. Fking hot again. I spent another couple minutes trying to get her to voluntarily open her mouth for the gag. She wouldn't do it. I finally got impatient and reach up to start forcing her lips and she popped her mouth open just in time. Smart girl. I so LOVE smart girls! I gagged her tightly.
I could write a whole short story on how the rest of the night went. Bondage lovers would be hugely turned on by it. And we never left the club and I never even got her clothes off. And it was one of the hottest scenes I've ever had.
Since there was NO negotiation ahead of time I couldn't go places I really wanted to go. If I stopped to try to negotiate for more, she would have had to step out of the "victim" space she was in and I would stand the chance of losing the moment.And that moment...those...moments...were so amazing I was too afraid of it ending.
Who was really captured by who? Or whom? Who was really the prisoner of the other? Who was really bound?
At one point....ok MANY points....I couldn't get myself to go forward...but I couldn't stop the scene either. Frustration was only slightly better than stopping.
One funny part was where I told her that if her jaw got so tired that she needed to have the gag out, she would have to give ME something to get the gag out. I decided that I wanted to undo the top button of her dress if she wanted a gag break. And she was to give me three grunts when she needed to gag out. She looked down at that button then looked up at me and tried to say something in gaggese. Gaggese is my favorite language but I couldn't understand her. She was new to ballgags and didn't enunciate very well
So she grunted 3 times. Three grunts is also the safeword for taking the gag out in case there is a problem. So I quickly removed it with a concerned look on my face wondering what was wrong.
She said "That button is a fake button, it doesn't really open" We both laughed. Then she re-opened her mouth like a good girl so I could re add the gag. Beautiful.
So I would just retie her in a different position. Give her a rest without losing control. Negotiating like a victim and abductor when things hurt so bad she needed a break. Trading a tighter gag for a break on her wrists. Always at least a neck rope for control.
Hours later I had to quit.
We talked the next day a bit and agreed on many things. That negotiation would have sucked. That we played extremely well together. That we want to do it again as soon as possible. That we want to step it up next time round. I can barely wait.
Wow....that took longer than I thought. I have to leave my KOA now. I'm way over checkout time.
I dont have to travel far, so I'll try to do the next two names later today.
Jae and gg at Truly Bound coming next.
Somewhere in Illinois at a KOA Kampground
Catch up time
So many of my memories of the last few weeks keep flashing back to the women who graced those memories. "Graced" is truly accurate. And graced is how I feel my life is most of the time. So I'm going to keyword the recent events by name.
The date is Friday Oct 15 and I arrived at "The Mark" in Nashville, the bdsm play space and shoot location for the day.
One the way there I thought often about how much bad luck I had for this coming Lewbari Weekend. Not many sign ups for the class, had several demo model cancellations and actually had to have to local group supply me with a demo model. That turned out good though, which sometimes can be scary. A lovely young lady helped me with the classes that followed over the weekend.
But I digress again...and as usual.
Other bad luck was that a shoot was planned today and since my models had canceled, again local models were supplied. Now to say I am a bit jaded is true...very jaded is even more accurate. I mean lets face it...not everyone is a "Sabrina Fox" who was supposed be the first choice way back 3 cancellations
So I start carrying my gear in, met up with TinyK, my newest Nashville friend and totally good photographer and the organizer for this Lewbari Weekend. We caught up while setting up for the shoot and he mentioned that the first model coming was Alice.
I admit it....I kinda "ho-hummed"....
Anyway a little while later Alice came in. Nice. Cute, shapely, seemed to be upbeat, if a bit shy at first. We talked, made shoot plans and started on a fishingline in the cage idea.
Alice put on a bikini n heels outfit and I started..uh....warming up a bit. I still wasn't like charged up or anything but she was hot and showed possibilities.
I positioned her in the cage and repositioned her, then again. Till I had her like I wanted her and started wrapping and threading the fishingline, starting at her heels.
I had trouble and was feeling a little like I was just going through the first...
Then I found a pattern in the lines and that helped. Artistic distraction I guess. So I got all caught up in that and was warming up even more. A few hundred feet later of the 20lb test fishingline wraps later and what I thought were some cool wraps, I noticed Alice trying to adjust for some discomfort. I just kept moving so I didn't lose my rhythm and concentration. I mean all she had to do was stand there! Sheesh. A bit later discomfort showed on her face and she tried adjusting again. This time I stepped out of my god-like artistic creative place and acted like I was a decent human.
I looked down and her ankle in one heel was leaning at almost a 45 degree angle and the fishingline was cutting in so hard that I was afraid is was going to cut her.
I sooooo suck!!
So I went into the opposite of god-like artist which is somewhat closer to moronic imbecile mode. I worked out a way to get her ankle comfortably back under her and lucky for me she recovered enough to finish the shoot. I thought at one point I was going to have to give it up but Alice showed some spunk. A lot of it. And character.
And personality. And intelligence. Did I say she was cute too?
So now I realize some things. 1.She is trying hard for me. 2. I'm an idiot. 3. I need to rise to the occasion for her.
With renewed energy and enthusiasm I attacked this shoot. It was when I started wrapping lines close to her face that the magic hit me. What magic? Many forms of it.
Something about being near her face. Watching her eyes, her facial reactions when I hit a line that made me express hotness. The flush of her cheeks when I hissed through my teeth when things started looking really cool. She had a kinda of Irish way of smirking when she blushed. Very cute.
The day was picking up. I finished the fishingline piece, TinyK shot it. At the end I grabbed my scissors and started to cut her loose, then stopped. And put the scissors in Alices tied fingers. The ensuing fun MADE that scene. It was so cute. Alice was charming me... hugely.
The rest of the day went great. Two other local models came in, had great fun with them and finished the day by putting Alice into a plastic web thing. We were laughing and having a wonderful time.
Later once the shoot was over, there was a play party at the club. I found myself hoping Alice would be there. She wasn't. Oh well. Can't have everything right?
Did day one of the classes, everything went well. Alice was TinyK's model for the day while I taught and I found myself flirting with her as the day went on. I couldn't tell for sure whether she was flirting back or not.
In the middle of the day we all went to lunch together and either on the way there or coming back from lunch, I don't remember which, I made a comment to TinyK, and made sure Alice could hear, something about kidnapping her and keeping her forever.
She did hear and replied that that might just work because she is really into that kind of thing.
SCHAAWWINGGGG!!! THAT was what I wanted to hear but never expected to!!! I was so caught off guard that I made some kind of dorky noise or exclamation or comment.
And my heart started beating much more rapidly than it just was. And it hasn't slowed down yet.
I had to bear down the rest of the teaching day just to NOT focus on Alice. Play party coming that night. Alice seemed like a bdsm newbie who was acting like a non- newbie. I didn't know just where she stood. Something made me believe she did not want to do extensive negotiation. So I just waited. I flirted. I teased.
Finally that evening came. She was already there. Hanging out with TinyK. People stopped to talk to me. I kept watching her. I didn't know for sure if she even knew I was there. I didn't know if she wanted to play. I didn't want to get caught staring at her. I caught her eyes in passing once. Then again. Then put a short rope in my back pocket and made my move.
I stood up and stared right at her from across the room until she looked my way again. Then I quickly hid behind a post that was wayyyyy too small for me to hide behind. She smiled and giggled. YAY! She SMILED and GIGGLED!! Others saw us....TinyK included and laughed.
I backed up to the dark shadows and plastered myself to the wall in a bad B-movie kind of way and edged closer to her.
Many people were watching now. When ever Alive looked at me I froze and looked nonchalantly in anther direction. She giggled again and looked away. She was playing right!! Encouraged, I moved closer little by little. As I got closer there was no cover to move in in a stealthy way. But there was a guy from class near me. I stood him between me and Alice - who was still half way across the room- and asked him to go over to a shelf, slowly, that was near Alice and act like he was looking at something on the shelf. When he agreed to play along I did the overacting exaggerated bad guy tiptoeing routine behind him.
Now everyone is watching and laughing and so is Alice. I pull the short rope out of my pocket. I pounce! And throw the rope around Alice's upper body and hold it there, exclaiming "Aha! Got you right where I want you now! Almost." She struggled a little then acted like she couldn't get away. After she and everyone else stopped laughing I waited a bit to see if that was as far as she wanted to go or if I could get away with more. I'm standing there holding a rope around her torso and arms and she just sits there and the people around continue their conversation.
I take that as forward I slip the rope off of her torso, pull her arms behind her and say "Well, if you are just going to sit there I'm going to take advantage." She lets me tie her hands.'s ON now baby!
I stand her up, turn her facing me, and pull her close, body to body and tell her she is MINE now. I look around, decide on a post to tie her to and start manhandling her towards it. Spinning her, keeping her off balance, arm around her neck one time, dragging her backwards another. She is slightly a way that tells me she LOVES resistance play. I do a few cute moves to tie her hands behind her back to the pole and start circling her like she is my captured prey.
She struggles.
Now let me digress a minute here about me and struggling. I LOVE struggling. Even bad fake struggling that most bondage models are taught by producers. Even struggling in movies where you KNOW the victim can get loose but she acts like she cant. Realistic struggling is very hard to come by. It's even hard to teach. But that's ok. ANY struggling makes me hard. It's my biggest turn on in the bondage world.
Alice struggled like a real damsel-in-distress would struggle. Sheesh. So hot. She reached for the knots first, trying to find ends. She could just barely touch the ends but not enough to pull on them. She quickly changed tactics and moved her wrists up and down, twisting them to try to loosen the nylon rope I tied her with.
Then reached for the knots again....repeat.
I'm telling you. I was the one captivated. Totally entranced by watching her act like she was really in trouble and HAD to get loose. I had to shake my head and remember that I was the bad guy and moved in on her again.
I stood right in front of here, held her around the waist. I saw her glance down, knowing that she could have kicked me in the balls but deciding not too in case she couldn't get loose before I recovered. Cause then I would be a really pissed abductor. She turned her head...not wanting to look me in the eye. Fking hot...
I whispered sweet-(kidnapper)-nothings in her ear and went to get more rope.
She started struggling hard again as soon as I moved away.
I added more rope, she tried to keep me from adding rope, which made me in turn tighten it even more.
I put a ballgag around her neck and told her how I could force it in by forcing my fingers between her lips and pushing down, causing pain and get the gag in any time I wanted....but that she should just open up because it was painful and I would end up winning anyway. She didn't open. Stubborn victim. Fking hot again. I spent another couple minutes trying to get her to voluntarily open her mouth for the gag. She wouldn't do it. I finally got impatient and reach up to start forcing her lips and she popped her mouth open just in time. Smart girl. I so LOVE smart girls! I gagged her tightly.
I could write a whole short story on how the rest of the night went. Bondage lovers would be hugely turned on by it. And we never left the club and I never even got her clothes off. And it was one of the hottest scenes I've ever had.
Since there was NO negotiation ahead of time I couldn't go places I really wanted to go. If I stopped to try to negotiate for more, she would have had to step out of the "victim" space she was in and I would stand the chance of losing the moment.And that moment...those...moments...were so amazing I was too afraid of it ending.
Who was really captured by who? Or whom? Who was really the prisoner of the other? Who was really bound?
At one point....ok MANY points....I couldn't get myself to go forward...but I couldn't stop the scene either. Frustration was only slightly better than stopping.
One funny part was where I told her that if her jaw got so tired that she needed to have the gag out, she would have to give ME something to get the gag out. I decided that I wanted to undo the top button of her dress if she wanted a gag break. And she was to give me three grunts when she needed to gag out. She looked down at that button then looked up at me and tried to say something in gaggese. Gaggese is my favorite language but I couldn't understand her. She was new to ballgags and didn't enunciate very well
So she grunted 3 times. Three grunts is also the safeword for taking the gag out in case there is a problem. So I quickly removed it with a concerned look on my face wondering what was wrong.
She said "That button is a fake button, it doesn't really open" We both laughed. Then she re-opened her mouth like a good girl so I could re add the gag. Beautiful.
So I would just retie her in a different position. Give her a rest without losing control. Negotiating like a victim and abductor when things hurt so bad she needed a break. Trading a tighter gag for a break on her wrists. Always at least a neck rope for control.
Hours later I had to quit.
We talked the next day a bit and agreed on many things. That negotiation would have sucked. That we played extremely well together. That we want to do it again as soon as possible. That we want to step it up next time round. I can barely wait.
Wow....that took longer than I thought. I have to leave my KOA now. I'm way over checkout time.
I dont have to travel far, so I'll try to do the next two names later today.
Jae and gg at Truly Bound coming next.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday Oct 3, 2010 11:30 am Pensacola, FL
On truth being stranger than fiction
The Bondage Gods Intervene
People who don't know me may think I made this story up.
Those who DO know me might think I embellished a bit. Often they would be right.
The difference between Roman Greco wrestling at the Olympics and the WWF is embellishment...a little goes a long ways...but it's not really lying right? It just makes a story more interesting.
No embellishment here. As Jack Webb would say "just the facts maam."
Thursday morning I'm driving towards Pensacola, FL. I have a class to teach Saturday evening for the local PALS group. As a side note keep in mind this was set up several months ago.
A couple weeks ago, I got in touch with Sabrina Fox, let her know I was coming out and much to our delight, it turned out that she not only lived near Pensacola but she was having a show of her own at a local club. The same night as I was teaching in fact!
That was both good news and bad news. It meant she couldn't be at my class and that I might be too busy to see her show. But it also meant we should be able to find a time to at least see each other in person again. It had been quite a while.
For those who don't know Sabrina and I had a pretty wonderful little fling a while back. Ok maybe a little more than "little." We got along VERY well for a while. Traveled together often, talked about the future together once in a while. It ended up fading away but we still remain pretty close. Especially emotionally.
So I'm driving in Thursday, I GPS a KOA and start heading towards it. When I'm about an hour away, something clicks in a tiny portion of my pea sized "can't remember shit" brain.
I opened up the GPS again for the KOA address and it says "Lillian, Alabama."
"Hey! I think...Isn't that where Sabrina lives?" I look at the KOA address and it says "county road # _ _. I look up Sabrinas address and it too says "county road # _ _!
So I text her and find out the KOA is 5 minutes from her place! Cool! Coincidence?
Ohhhh noooooo.... Just puzzle piece number 1 in the Bondage Gods jigsaw puzzle. But I didn't know that yet.
We decide to hook up the next day for lunch. Partly because she wants me to get some flyers from her to promote her show at my classes to get some kinksters to come see her. And partly because we like each other a lot still. She'll be bringing her new b/f and I'm looking forward to meeting them both.
I settle into my campground, have a relaxing evening and get on Fetlife to ask the local bdsm gangs what I should do with my extra time in Pensacola. A bunch of them reply and give me good ideas for beaches and food. Good start! Friendly people!
The next day comes - Friday - and I meet Sabrina and her guy for lunch. Before I get there she texts me and says "I look like shit so don't judge."
I get there and she looks fantastic. Better than I remember ever seeing her. Now Sabrina is a good looking woman. I ALWAYS thought she looked great. Even the morning That says a lot right?
We are so happy to see each other. I meet her guy...he seems very cool. The energy that flows tween me n Sabrina is...I swear...physically palpable. It's like one of those 60's movies where the edges of the movie frame blur a bit, the soft background music plays and everything slows own.
Yes, I'm a romantic at heart...but I didn't expect this. Anyway I'm trying to be cool cause she IS with another guy and I have NO plans to be a homewrecker....again...
She tells me how they are preparing for their big show. He is a DJ and she is doing a suspension show for a basically nilla crowd. There is a tricky spot they are working out concerning the stage space and suspension points. Sounds like they have it worked out but I offer any assistance if they need it.
We ate Mexican, talked for a while...then moved on. She seems so healthy...vibrant. We were so happy to see each other. When we hugged both hello and goodbye it was hard to let go. She just felt right, smelled right, ya know?
So I went back to my trailer. Prepped for the next days classes.
Got a text from Sabrina. She texted:
"dunno why but since we left I've been bawling like a baby. Why do I only ever cry around you? I think my guy believes I have officially lost it. haha"
I texted:
"Tell him it's two main reasons. 1. You n I have had amazingly, undeniable, emotional journeys together. AND while you hate to cry you know I think it's good for you. So even though we only spent a certain amount of time together I tried to make you believe that your emotions are part of you and that you would be healthier to let em flow. Seems that some of that subtle training stuck with you."
Me again: "2. If you would cry from time to time it would be more like a light, sweet summer rain. Rather than hurricane Sabrina. lol"
Several other texts hearted...
BBQ'd a steak for myself that night, relaxed, did some puter work. Then went to visit with the Pensacola BAMS group just for something to do. They were great fun and I feel like I made some new friends.
Next evening I went to the PALS group and set up for teaching. Big class coming! 80 plus people! VERY friendly people! They bought lots of my videos and the classes went very well. I was "on" that night and had em all rolling on the floor with my bad jokes and simulated sexual
I dropped off flyers there for Sabrinas event and found out many people already knew about it and planed on attending. Very cool! So a bunch of us decided to go to dinner since Sabrinas show wasn't till 12:30 am that night.
On the way there I got a text from Sabrina asking how long my longest ropes were. I had her call and found out that the solution they had worked out for her show concerning the suspension points kinda went sour. Yay! I can help! Aww...she is prolly bummed that she can't fix things easily by herself...but I'm REALLY glad I'm here to help her.
Got to the club where her show was and it was just like she said it would be. She warned me that I wouldn't like it. She was very right. Smoke filled, amazingly loud music, bass speakers vibrating my insides into jelly. Got there around 11pm or 11:30 and time passed agonizingly slow. Sabrina showed me what the suspension point problem was and I was sure there was a way we could make it work. Problem was, we couldn't put the points up till midnight and her show started at 12:30. At least there were pretty girls to look at while I waited. LOTS of the bdsm class people came too so that helped. I found excuses to go back to my truck once in a while to get fresh air and stop the thrumming in my head from the music.
So the time comes... we put the points up....test them...kinda shakey but I think it'll work. I see Sabrina going into "show space". A nervous excited energy place that I deal with every single time I perform. I reassure her as much as I can.
Show starts. She looks amazing. Relaxed, calm cool, professional. I'm VERY proud of her. Sabrina never really took lessons from anyone. She was my demo model in the past for several classes and she watched everything everyone ever did with rope. I had no idea she was soaking up as much as she did from me, from other pros, from everyone she ever saw. Then she just jumped on out there and started suspending people. She struggled a bit at first but learned with a speed that humbled most of us.
The show went off without a hitch. Well maybe one small musical glitch that was quickly solved. But the suspensions she did went perfectly. And the points we put up held up just fine.
Ahhhh...sweet success.... It's over now and she comes back to the table I'm at and we hug and say cool things to each other. She is barely keeping from crying. I back off the emotional stuff a tad cause I know she doesn't want to cry in front of everyone. I tell her to keep the extra ropes I used to put up the points....and we hug again and I leave...
I start driving back to my trailer. Feeling a little lonely. But feeling good. Feeling a bit nostalgic.
1:17 am text from Sabrina:
"You saved my life tonight. I know there's no way I can ever repay you...but I'd sure like to try.
I think to I wanna make her cry.
But why?
Cause I wanna cry?
And can't.
And wish I could?
I text back:
"You don't owe a thing. Scales balance every time you smile at me."
I text again:
"And yes, I did say that to make you cry."
I text again:
"But I mean it too...a lil corny maybe"
I text again:
"The Bondage Gods put us together tonight y'know"
I continue my drive back to my trailer. Long drive this time of night. Emotions roiling...
1:48 I am still driving....
Text from Sabrina:
"You are good at that....the making me cry stuff. I managed to hold it together after you left, but when I got your text I had to run to the bathroom and uh....'change' I think the Bondage Gods like you and me and 'us'.
I text back:
"I think we are pretty lucky people to have each other in our any capacity"
She texts back:
"I agree...and I'm very grateful."
I text back:
I set down my phone. Shouldn't be texting while driving anyway. Especially at this hour.
Radio is on. Still a ways to go on my drive back.
One of my favorite songs of all time comes on.
Bob Segers "Turn the Page"
On a long and lonesome highway
East of Omaha
You can listen to the engine
Moanin' out his one note song
You can think about the woman
Or the girl you knew the night before
But your thoughts will soon be wandering
The way they always do
When you're ridin' sixteen hours
And there's nothin' much to do
And you don't feel much like ridin',
You just wish the trip was through
Here I am
On the road again
There I am
Up on the stage
Here I go
Playin' star again
There I go
Turn the page
Well you walk into a restaurant,
Strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you
As you're shakin' off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you
But you just want to explode
Most times you can't hear 'em talk,
Other times you can
All the same old cliches,
"Is that a woman or a man?"
And you always seem outnumbered,
You don't dare make a stand
Here I am
On the road again
There I am
Up on the stage
Here I go
Playin' star again
There I go
Turn the page
Out there in the spotlight
You're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy
You try to give away
As the sweat pours out your body
Like the music that you play
Later in the evening
As you lie awake in bed
With the echoes from the amplifiers
Ringin' in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette,
Rememberin' what she said
Here I am
On the road again
There I am
Up on the stage
Here I go
Playin' star again
There I go
Turn the page
Here I am
On the road again
There I am
Up on the stage
Here I go
Playin' star again
There I go
Turn the page
There I go
There I go
The songs fades away. I turn the radio off. And continue my drive back....
On truth being stranger than fiction
The Bondage Gods Intervene
People who don't know me may think I made this story up.
Those who DO know me might think I embellished a bit. Often they would be right.
The difference between Roman Greco wrestling at the Olympics and the WWF is embellishment...a little goes a long ways...but it's not really lying right? It just makes a story more interesting.
No embellishment here. As Jack Webb would say "just the facts maam."
Thursday morning I'm driving towards Pensacola, FL. I have a class to teach Saturday evening for the local PALS group. As a side note keep in mind this was set up several months ago.
A couple weeks ago, I got in touch with Sabrina Fox, let her know I was coming out and much to our delight, it turned out that she not only lived near Pensacola but she was having a show of her own at a local club. The same night as I was teaching in fact!
That was both good news and bad news. It meant she couldn't be at my class and that I might be too busy to see her show. But it also meant we should be able to find a time to at least see each other in person again. It had been quite a while.
For those who don't know Sabrina and I had a pretty wonderful little fling a while back. Ok maybe a little more than "little." We got along VERY well for a while. Traveled together often, talked about the future together once in a while. It ended up fading away but we still remain pretty close. Especially emotionally.
So I'm driving in Thursday, I GPS a KOA and start heading towards it. When I'm about an hour away, something clicks in a tiny portion of my pea sized "can't remember shit" brain.
I opened up the GPS again for the KOA address and it says "Lillian, Alabama."
"Hey! I think...Isn't that where Sabrina lives?" I look at the KOA address and it says "county road # _ _. I look up Sabrinas address and it too says "county road # _ _!
So I text her and find out the KOA is 5 minutes from her place! Cool! Coincidence?
Ohhhh noooooo.... Just puzzle piece number 1 in the Bondage Gods jigsaw puzzle. But I didn't know that yet.
We decide to hook up the next day for lunch. Partly because she wants me to get some flyers from her to promote her show at my classes to get some kinksters to come see her. And partly because we like each other a lot still. She'll be bringing her new b/f and I'm looking forward to meeting them both.
I settle into my campground, have a relaxing evening and get on Fetlife to ask the local bdsm gangs what I should do with my extra time in Pensacola. A bunch of them reply and give me good ideas for beaches and food. Good start! Friendly people!
The next day comes - Friday - and I meet Sabrina and her guy for lunch. Before I get there she texts me and says "I look like shit so don't judge."
I get there and she looks fantastic. Better than I remember ever seeing her. Now Sabrina is a good looking woman. I ALWAYS thought she looked great. Even the morning That says a lot right?
We are so happy to see each other. I meet her guy...he seems very cool. The energy that flows tween me n Sabrina is...I swear...physically palpable. It's like one of those 60's movies where the edges of the movie frame blur a bit, the soft background music plays and everything slows own.
Yes, I'm a romantic at heart...but I didn't expect this. Anyway I'm trying to be cool cause she IS with another guy and I have NO plans to be a homewrecker....again...
She tells me how they are preparing for their big show. He is a DJ and she is doing a suspension show for a basically nilla crowd. There is a tricky spot they are working out concerning the stage space and suspension points. Sounds like they have it worked out but I offer any assistance if they need it.
We ate Mexican, talked for a while...then moved on. She seems so healthy...vibrant. We were so happy to see each other. When we hugged both hello and goodbye it was hard to let go. She just felt right, smelled right, ya know?
So I went back to my trailer. Prepped for the next days classes.
Got a text from Sabrina. She texted:
"dunno why but since we left I've been bawling like a baby. Why do I only ever cry around you? I think my guy believes I have officially lost it. haha"
I texted:
"Tell him it's two main reasons. 1. You n I have had amazingly, undeniable, emotional journeys together. AND while you hate to cry you know I think it's good for you. So even though we only spent a certain amount of time together I tried to make you believe that your emotions are part of you and that you would be healthier to let em flow. Seems that some of that subtle training stuck with you."
Me again: "2. If you would cry from time to time it would be more like a light, sweet summer rain. Rather than hurricane Sabrina. lol"
Several other texts hearted...
BBQ'd a steak for myself that night, relaxed, did some puter work. Then went to visit with the Pensacola BAMS group just for something to do. They were great fun and I feel like I made some new friends.
Next evening I went to the PALS group and set up for teaching. Big class coming! 80 plus people! VERY friendly people! They bought lots of my videos and the classes went very well. I was "on" that night and had em all rolling on the floor with my bad jokes and simulated sexual
I dropped off flyers there for Sabrinas event and found out many people already knew about it and planed on attending. Very cool! So a bunch of us decided to go to dinner since Sabrinas show wasn't till 12:30 am that night.
On the way there I got a text from Sabrina asking how long my longest ropes were. I had her call and found out that the solution they had worked out for her show concerning the suspension points kinda went sour. Yay! I can help! Aww...she is prolly bummed that she can't fix things easily by herself...but I'm REALLY glad I'm here to help her.
Got to the club where her show was and it was just like she said it would be. She warned me that I wouldn't like it. She was very right. Smoke filled, amazingly loud music, bass speakers vibrating my insides into jelly. Got there around 11pm or 11:30 and time passed agonizingly slow. Sabrina showed me what the suspension point problem was and I was sure there was a way we could make it work. Problem was, we couldn't put the points up till midnight and her show started at 12:30. At least there were pretty girls to look at while I waited. LOTS of the bdsm class people came too so that helped. I found excuses to go back to my truck once in a while to get fresh air and stop the thrumming in my head from the music.
So the time comes... we put the points up....test them...kinda shakey but I think it'll work. I see Sabrina going into "show space". A nervous excited energy place that I deal with every single time I perform. I reassure her as much as I can.
Show starts. She looks amazing. Relaxed, calm cool, professional. I'm VERY proud of her. Sabrina never really took lessons from anyone. She was my demo model in the past for several classes and she watched everything everyone ever did with rope. I had no idea she was soaking up as much as she did from me, from other pros, from everyone she ever saw. Then she just jumped on out there and started suspending people. She struggled a bit at first but learned with a speed that humbled most of us.
The show went off without a hitch. Well maybe one small musical glitch that was quickly solved. But the suspensions she did went perfectly. And the points we put up held up just fine.
Ahhhh...sweet success.... It's over now and she comes back to the table I'm at and we hug and say cool things to each other. She is barely keeping from crying. I back off the emotional stuff a tad cause I know she doesn't want to cry in front of everyone. I tell her to keep the extra ropes I used to put up the points....and we hug again and I leave...
I start driving back to my trailer. Feeling a little lonely. But feeling good. Feeling a bit nostalgic.
1:17 am text from Sabrina:
"You saved my life tonight. I know there's no way I can ever repay you...but I'd sure like to try.
I think to I wanna make her cry.
But why?
Cause I wanna cry?
And can't.
And wish I could?
I text back:
"You don't owe a thing. Scales balance every time you smile at me."
I text again:
"And yes, I did say that to make you cry."
I text again:
"But I mean it too...a lil corny maybe"
I text again:
"The Bondage Gods put us together tonight y'know"
I continue my drive back to my trailer. Long drive this time of night. Emotions roiling...
1:48 I am still driving....
Text from Sabrina:
"You are good at that....the making me cry stuff. I managed to hold it together after you left, but when I got your text I had to run to the bathroom and uh....'change' I think the Bondage Gods like you and me and 'us'.
I text back:
"I think we are pretty lucky people to have each other in our any capacity"
She texts back:
"I agree...and I'm very grateful."
I text back:
I set down my phone. Shouldn't be texting while driving anyway. Especially at this hour.
Radio is on. Still a ways to go on my drive back.
One of my favorite songs of all time comes on.
Bob Segers "Turn the Page"
On a long and lonesome highway
East of Omaha
You can listen to the engine
Moanin' out his one note song
You can think about the woman
Or the girl you knew the night before
But your thoughts will soon be wandering
The way they always do
When you're ridin' sixteen hours
And there's nothin' much to do
And you don't feel much like ridin',
You just wish the trip was through
Here I am
On the road again
There I am
Up on the stage
Here I go
Playin' star again
There I go
Turn the page
Well you walk into a restaurant,
Strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you
As you're shakin' off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you
But you just want to explode
Most times you can't hear 'em talk,
Other times you can
All the same old cliches,
"Is that a woman or a man?"
And you always seem outnumbered,
You don't dare make a stand
Here I am
On the road again
There I am
Up on the stage
Here I go
Playin' star again
There I go
Turn the page
Out there in the spotlight
You're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy
You try to give away
As the sweat pours out your body
Like the music that you play
Later in the evening
As you lie awake in bed
With the echoes from the amplifiers
Ringin' in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette,
Rememberin' what she said
Here I am
On the road again
There I am
Up on the stage
Here I go
Playin' star again
There I go
Turn the page
Here I am
On the road again
There I am
Up on the stage
Here I go
Playin' star again
There I go
Turn the page
There I go
There I go
The songs fades away. I turn the radio off. And continue my drive back....
Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday October 1, 2010 2:37pm Pensacola, FL
Orlando Lewbari Weekend went VERY well! Cecil and his gang at the Woodshed are the BEST!
They made life easy for me, took care of every little thing and were consummate pros at handling organizational tricky spots, at dealing with people and most of all working with Diva
I made so many new friends too! Lots of local fun folks. A couple flew down from Boston just to go to my classes! It was a very good group who learned quickly.
I knew from the beginning I had my hands full this time from how things went Friday night at the meet n greet. There were so many experienced suspension people that I got very nervous about whether I could actually teach them anything or not. Several of these people WERE NOT beginners!
Luckily as often happens in these days of the "suspension craze", many people that are very good at suspension don't have the basic ground work down well. Western style or damsel-in-distress techniques are a weak point for some and that was my saving grace. Even experienced rope people often have a weakness there, what with all the "traditional" teaching techniques around these days.
That brings up a tricky spot in how I teach and even more so, how my teaching videos are put together.
In my first teaching video, Beginning Bondage, I give people many of the tools to start playing with bondage right away, including extensive safety techniques that I believe in strongly. And as it turns out, because my ways are so simple the students get every basic tying technique I use right up through suspension. Not that I teach suspension in that first How-to but all the advanced stuff is just variations of everything I use....period.
So in the second and subsequent videos I don't go back to re-teach those basics. It's not fair to those who bought that first video to have to pay again for the same things right? I think so anyway.
So the "experts" (watch out for those!) don't buy the beginning video. They wait till the suspension videos come out and then can't follow along well.
It's PROGRESSIVE learning people! I can't think of a better way to set things up. A more fair way.
What happens so often at events is that the people who skip the beginning classes, because they don't need no stinking beginning bondage classes, find that MY beginners are better than them by the time the more advanced classes come. Kinda funny sometimes...sometimes not so funny. Like when I have to slow down the class cause an "expert" can't keep up.
Oh well, what am I gonna do right?
Put out a disclaimer? Hmmmm....not a bad idea.
Something like:
"These videos are taught in a progressive manner. In other words if you buy them out of order I cannot be responsible for what you didn't learn by skipping some!
Ha ha! That just might work!
Anyway, back to the Orlando gang. They were a very hard working bunch! The attendees I They worked so hard the first day...then played all night practicing what they learned....that by Sunday afternoon they were burnt out!! We went at it so hard that there wasn't much energy left for the more advanced stuff.
That patten has been developing for a while now on the Lewbari Weekends. So much so that I'm going to start making some interesting changes.
Change 1:
Lightening up the overall schedule. AND reinforcing what is left. Make it stick better. I teach sooooo much in two days that the average person s a little trouble remembering it all. Even WITH the class handouts.
THEN I put on a second level Lewbari Weekend especially for graduates of the first level one.
Plans are already in motion for the next step in the Lewbari evolution. Ha ha!! Lewbari part Deaux!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Cecil and the woodshed will probably be the first to help me throw that part 2.
We are talking about another part one in Feb or March, then later in the year the first Part Deaux!! Lewbari Matrix re-evolution! Sheesh... in Pensacola. Got a couple classes for the PALS group here on Saturday.
Got here early hoping to enjoy the beaches. Seems the beach frenzy here is not as frenzied as BEFORE the gulf oil spills...hmmm.... Toxicity maybe?
Anyway, after Pensacola is back to Ft. Myers for a week. Hope to pick up an abductee in Tampa along the way. I haven't been getting nearly as much of those as I wanted on this TTT. ...but then how many would be enough? lol
Looks a lot like Ft. Myers will be my wintering spot. Lots of good business and pleasure opportunities there.
Then it's off to Nashville, Kansas City, Detroit then back to Florida again, then off to Spain!. All by mid November.
Whew! One more mad traveling dash till rest time.
More soon,
Orlando Lewbari Weekend went VERY well! Cecil and his gang at the Woodshed are the BEST!
They made life easy for me, took care of every little thing and were consummate pros at handling organizational tricky spots, at dealing with people and most of all working with Diva
I made so many new friends too! Lots of local fun folks. A couple flew down from Boston just to go to my classes! It was a very good group who learned quickly.
I knew from the beginning I had my hands full this time from how things went Friday night at the meet n greet. There were so many experienced suspension people that I got very nervous about whether I could actually teach them anything or not. Several of these people WERE NOT beginners!
Luckily as often happens in these days of the "suspension craze", many people that are very good at suspension don't have the basic ground work down well. Western style or damsel-in-distress techniques are a weak point for some and that was my saving grace. Even experienced rope people often have a weakness there, what with all the "traditional" teaching techniques around these days.
That brings up a tricky spot in how I teach and even more so, how my teaching videos are put together.
In my first teaching video, Beginning Bondage, I give people many of the tools to start playing with bondage right away, including extensive safety techniques that I believe in strongly. And as it turns out, because my ways are so simple the students get every basic tying technique I use right up through suspension. Not that I teach suspension in that first How-to but all the advanced stuff is just variations of everything I use....period.
So in the second and subsequent videos I don't go back to re-teach those basics. It's not fair to those who bought that first video to have to pay again for the same things right? I think so anyway.
So the "experts" (watch out for those!) don't buy the beginning video. They wait till the suspension videos come out and then can't follow along well.
It's PROGRESSIVE learning people! I can't think of a better way to set things up. A more fair way.
What happens so often at events is that the people who skip the beginning classes, because they don't need no stinking beginning bondage classes, find that MY beginners are better than them by the time the more advanced classes come. Kinda funny sometimes...sometimes not so funny. Like when I have to slow down the class cause an "expert" can't keep up.
Oh well, what am I gonna do right?
Put out a disclaimer? Hmmmm....not a bad idea.
Something like:
"These videos are taught in a progressive manner. In other words if you buy them out of order I cannot be responsible for what you didn't learn by skipping some!
Ha ha! That just might work!
Anyway, back to the Orlando gang. They were a very hard working bunch! The attendees I They worked so hard the first day...then played all night practicing what they learned....that by Sunday afternoon they were burnt out!! We went at it so hard that there wasn't much energy left for the more advanced stuff.
That patten has been developing for a while now on the Lewbari Weekends. So much so that I'm going to start making some interesting changes.
Change 1:
Lightening up the overall schedule. AND reinforcing what is left. Make it stick better. I teach sooooo much in two days that the average person s a little trouble remembering it all. Even WITH the class handouts.
THEN I put on a second level Lewbari Weekend especially for graduates of the first level one.
Plans are already in motion for the next step in the Lewbari evolution. Ha ha!! Lewbari part Deaux!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Cecil and the woodshed will probably be the first to help me throw that part 2.
We are talking about another part one in Feb or March, then later in the year the first Part Deaux!! Lewbari Matrix re-evolution! Sheesh... in Pensacola. Got a couple classes for the PALS group here on Saturday.
Got here early hoping to enjoy the beaches. Seems the beach frenzy here is not as frenzied as BEFORE the gulf oil spills...hmmm.... Toxicity maybe?
Anyway, after Pensacola is back to Ft. Myers for a week. Hope to pick up an abductee in Tampa along the way. I haven't been getting nearly as much of those as I wanted on this TTT. ...but then how many would be enough? lol
Looks a lot like Ft. Myers will be my wintering spot. Lots of good business and pleasure opportunities there.
Then it's off to Nashville, Kansas City, Detroit then back to Florida again, then off to Spain!. All by mid November.
Whew! One more mad traveling dash till rest time.
More soon,
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