Somewhere in Illinois at a KOA Kampground
Catch up time
So many of my memories of the last few weeks keep flashing back to the women who graced those memories. "Graced" is truly accurate. And graced is how I feel my life is most of the time. So I'm going to keyword the recent events by name.
The date is Friday Oct 15 and I arrived at "The Mark" in Nashville, the bdsm play space and shoot location for the day.
One the way there I thought often about how much bad luck I had for this coming Lewbari Weekend. Not many sign ups for the class, had several demo model cancellations and actually had to have to local group supply me with a demo model. That turned out good though, which sometimes can be scary. A lovely young lady helped me with the classes that followed over the weekend.
But I digress again...and as usual.
Other bad luck was that a shoot was planned today and since my models had canceled, again local models were supplied. Now to say I am a bit jaded is true...very jaded is even more accurate. I mean lets face it...not everyone is a "Sabrina Fox" who was supposed be the first choice way back 3 cancellations
So I start carrying my gear in, met up with TinyK, my newest Nashville friend and totally good photographer and the organizer for this Lewbari Weekend. We caught up while setting up for the shoot and he mentioned that the first model coming was Alice.
I admit it....I kinda "ho-hummed"....
Anyway a little while later Alice came in. Nice. Cute, shapely, seemed to be upbeat, if a bit shy at first. We talked, made shoot plans and started on a fishingline in the cage idea.
Alice put on a bikini n heels outfit and I started..uh....warming up a bit. I still wasn't like charged up or anything but she was hot and showed possibilities.
I positioned her in the cage and repositioned her, then again. Till I had her like I wanted her and started wrapping and threading the fishingline, starting at her heels.
I had trouble and was feeling a little like I was just going through the first...
Then I found a pattern in the lines and that helped. Artistic distraction I guess. So I got all caught up in that and was warming up even more. A few hundred feet later of the 20lb test fishingline wraps later and what I thought were some cool wraps, I noticed Alice trying to adjust for some discomfort. I just kept moving so I didn't lose my rhythm and concentration. I mean all she had to do was stand there! Sheesh. A bit later discomfort showed on her face and she tried adjusting again. This time I stepped out of my god-like artistic creative place and acted like I was a decent human.
I looked down and her ankle in one heel was leaning at almost a 45 degree angle and the fishingline was cutting in so hard that I was afraid is was going to cut her.
I sooooo suck!!
So I went into the opposite of god-like artist which is somewhat closer to moronic imbecile mode. I worked out a way to get her ankle comfortably back under her and lucky for me she recovered enough to finish the shoot. I thought at one point I was going to have to give it up but Alice showed some spunk. A lot of it. And character.
And personality. And intelligence. Did I say she was cute too?
So now I realize some things. 1.She is trying hard for me. 2. I'm an idiot. 3. I need to rise to the occasion for her.
With renewed energy and enthusiasm I attacked this shoot. It was when I started wrapping lines close to her face that the magic hit me. What magic? Many forms of it.
Something about being near her face. Watching her eyes, her facial reactions when I hit a line that made me express hotness. The flush of her cheeks when I hissed through my teeth when things started looking really cool. She had a kinda of Irish way of smirking when she blushed. Very cute.
The day was picking up. I finished the fishingline piece, TinyK shot it. At the end I grabbed my scissors and started to cut her loose, then stopped. And put the scissors in Alices tied fingers. The ensuing fun MADE that scene. It was so cute. Alice was charming me... hugely.
The rest of the day went great. Two other local models came in, had great fun with them and finished the day by putting Alice into a plastic web thing. We were laughing and having a wonderful time.
Later once the shoot was over, there was a play party at the club. I found myself hoping Alice would be there. She wasn't. Oh well. Can't have everything right?
Did day one of the classes, everything went well. Alice was TinyK's model for the day while I taught and I found myself flirting with her as the day went on. I couldn't tell for sure whether she was flirting back or not.
In the middle of the day we all went to lunch together and either on the way there or coming back from lunch, I don't remember which, I made a comment to TinyK, and made sure Alice could hear, something about kidnapping her and keeping her forever.
She did hear and replied that that might just work because she is really into that kind of thing.
SCHAAWWINGGGG!!! THAT was what I wanted to hear but never expected to!!! I was so caught off guard that I made some kind of dorky noise or exclamation or comment.
And my heart started beating much more rapidly than it just was. And it hasn't slowed down yet.
I had to bear down the rest of the teaching day just to NOT focus on Alice. Play party coming that night. Alice seemed like a bdsm newbie who was acting like a non- newbie. I didn't know just where she stood. Something made me believe she did not want to do extensive negotiation. So I just waited. I flirted. I teased.
Finally that evening came. She was already there. Hanging out with TinyK. People stopped to talk to me. I kept watching her. I didn't know for sure if she even knew I was there. I didn't know if she wanted to play. I didn't want to get caught staring at her. I caught her eyes in passing once. Then again. Then put a short rope in my back pocket and made my move.
I stood up and stared right at her from across the room until she looked my way again. Then I quickly hid behind a post that was wayyyyy too small for me to hide behind. She smiled and giggled. YAY! She SMILED and GIGGLED!! Others saw us....TinyK included and laughed.
I backed up to the dark shadows and plastered myself to the wall in a bad B-movie kind of way and edged closer to her.
Many people were watching now. When ever Alive looked at me I froze and looked nonchalantly in anther direction. She giggled again and looked away. She was playing right!! Encouraged, I moved closer little by little. As I got closer there was no cover to move in in a stealthy way. But there was a guy from class near me. I stood him between me and Alice - who was still half way across the room- and asked him to go over to a shelf, slowly, that was near Alice and act like he was looking at something on the shelf. When he agreed to play along I did the overacting exaggerated bad guy tiptoeing routine behind him.
Now everyone is watching and laughing and so is Alice. I pull the short rope out of my pocket. I pounce! And throw the rope around Alice's upper body and hold it there, exclaiming "Aha! Got you right where I want you now! Almost." She struggled a little then acted like she couldn't get away. After she and everyone else stopped laughing I waited a bit to see if that was as far as she wanted to go or if I could get away with more. I'm standing there holding a rope around her torso and arms and she just sits there and the people around continue their conversation.
I take that as forward I slip the rope off of her torso, pull her arms behind her and say "Well, if you are just going to sit there I'm going to take advantage." She lets me tie her hands.'s ON now baby!
I stand her up, turn her facing me, and pull her close, body to body and tell her she is MINE now. I look around, decide on a post to tie her to and start manhandling her towards it. Spinning her, keeping her off balance, arm around her neck one time, dragging her backwards another. She is slightly a way that tells me she LOVES resistance play. I do a few cute moves to tie her hands behind her back to the pole and start circling her like she is my captured prey.
She struggles.
Now let me digress a minute here about me and struggling. I LOVE struggling. Even bad fake struggling that most bondage models are taught by producers. Even struggling in movies where you KNOW the victim can get loose but she acts like she cant. Realistic struggling is very hard to come by. It's even hard to teach. But that's ok. ANY struggling makes me hard. It's my biggest turn on in the bondage world.
Alice struggled like a real damsel-in-distress would struggle. Sheesh. So hot. She reached for the knots first, trying to find ends. She could just barely touch the ends but not enough to pull on them. She quickly changed tactics and moved her wrists up and down, twisting them to try to loosen the nylon rope I tied her with.
Then reached for the knots again....repeat.
I'm telling you. I was the one captivated. Totally entranced by watching her act like she was really in trouble and HAD to get loose. I had to shake my head and remember that I was the bad guy and moved in on her again.
I stood right in front of here, held her around the waist. I saw her glance down, knowing that she could have kicked me in the balls but deciding not too in case she couldn't get loose before I recovered. Cause then I would be a really pissed abductor. She turned her head...not wanting to look me in the eye. Fking hot...
I whispered sweet-(kidnapper)-nothings in her ear and went to get more rope.
She started struggling hard again as soon as I moved away.
I added more rope, she tried to keep me from adding rope, which made me in turn tighten it even more.
I put a ballgag around her neck and told her how I could force it in by forcing my fingers between her lips and pushing down, causing pain and get the gag in any time I wanted....but that she should just open up because it was painful and I would end up winning anyway. She didn't open. Stubborn victim. Fking hot again. I spent another couple minutes trying to get her to voluntarily open her mouth for the gag. She wouldn't do it. I finally got impatient and reach up to start forcing her lips and she popped her mouth open just in time. Smart girl. I so LOVE smart girls! I gagged her tightly.
I could write a whole short story on how the rest of the night went. Bondage lovers would be hugely turned on by it. And we never left the club and I never even got her clothes off. And it was one of the hottest scenes I've ever had.
Since there was NO negotiation ahead of time I couldn't go places I really wanted to go. If I stopped to try to negotiate for more, she would have had to step out of the "victim" space she was in and I would stand the chance of losing the moment.And that moment...those...moments...were so amazing I was too afraid of it ending.
Who was really captured by who? Or whom? Who was really the prisoner of the other? Who was really bound?
At one point....ok MANY points....I couldn't get myself to go forward...but I couldn't stop the scene either. Frustration was only slightly better than stopping.
One funny part was where I told her that if her jaw got so tired that she needed to have the gag out, she would have to give ME something to get the gag out. I decided that I wanted to undo the top button of her dress if she wanted a gag break. And she was to give me three grunts when she needed to gag out. She looked down at that button then looked up at me and tried to say something in gaggese. Gaggese is my favorite language but I couldn't understand her. She was new to ballgags and didn't enunciate very well
So she grunted 3 times. Three grunts is also the safeword for taking the gag out in case there is a problem. So I quickly removed it with a concerned look on my face wondering what was wrong.
She said "That button is a fake button, it doesn't really open" We both laughed. Then she re-opened her mouth like a good girl so I could re add the gag. Beautiful.
So I would just retie her in a different position. Give her a rest without losing control. Negotiating like a victim and abductor when things hurt so bad she needed a break. Trading a tighter gag for a break on her wrists. Always at least a neck rope for control.
Hours later I had to quit.
We talked the next day a bit and agreed on many things. That negotiation would have sucked. That we played extremely well together. That we want to do it again as soon as possible. That we want to step it up next time round. I can barely wait.
Wow....that took longer than I thought. I have to leave my KOA now. I'm way over checkout time.
I dont have to travel far, so I'll try to do the next two names later today.
Jae and gg at Truly Bound coming next.
Good God that was fun to read! Lucky Alice and Lucky you! Thanks for sharing, :0D