Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28 10:30 am

The post Lewbaricon Blues...

Sad yes...but a good sign too right? It means I had a good time. You go way fall way down. Been through it enough times now that I readily identify it. That still doesn't stop the emotions but at least I know it'll pass right?

Sooo...what brought this on you might ask after you read the last blog and my concerns about the viability of this event?
Three things mainly. Maybe more. You know us ADD people. 3 can turn into 30 easily. But I'll start with three and digress from

1. The venue. The Dark Paradise Ranch (DPR)is so amazing! I explained a bit about it visually in the last blog but now I'll try it emotionally.

Calm...serene...away from it all. I'd forgotten how stressful civilization and society was. I'm a country boy at heart and have always disliked city living...but as it turned out, even in the rural living I was doing in the last year in Oregon, it was NOT like really getting away from it all. The nearest SMALL town is almost half an hour away! Sure we all had to spray on some bug dope once in a while....and I used a "for real" outhouse fairly often. But as time went by, I noticed my brow unknitting....little by little. Do you know what I mean? When you fight for a living every day in your socially structured life you get used to bracing yourself for things that might sneak up on you. A horn honking right behind you. A childs scream,
dodging the morons on the road, stuff like that. After a while you don't even notice that you are in a habitual state of self defense and awareness and tension.
That all dropped away while I was at Lewbaricon MN. My brow unknit, my shoulders relaxed and dropped, that monkey on my back stopped holding on so tight.
Now that alone...was worth the trip for me.

2. Tighterizbetter. Fetlife profile:
This girl...woman...was SOOOOO much fun! We hit it off right away and got along amazingly well. The pics will show that. Can't wait to see her again. Which will be at Fetishcon in less than 2 weeks! The friend she brought with her was a blast too!

3. Foxy, Gwen and everyone else who came to Lewbaricon. The people truly make any event. Everyone here was positive and upbeat from the first minute to the last. I've always like Foxy but thought sometimes he was just acting like he was happy all the I do sometimes cause I'm a professional right. But no. This southern cowboy has a love of life that few can match. His zest and zeal infect everyone around him and he never stops. He did most of the logistics for the event, played nearly nonstop and often was the catalyst for all of our fun. Can't wait to do it again with you partner.
Gwen, the owner and proprietor of the DPR was very charming, beautiful, confident, caring and worked hard at making the whole experience at her lovely ranch enjoyable for all.

For all my whining about whether it will work out or not for next year...I'm going for it! WE are going for it.
Hopefully advertising for it will start in the near future.

Upcoming stuff

I left DPR Monday and am now just a little short of Madison Wisconsin. I had a brainstorm during the drive...which is common when all you have to do on the long trips is think. But sometimes those thoughts are skewed? Dangerous? I'll decide.

Knowing there is a decent community in Madison, WI and knowing I should have contacted them since I'm coming through and knowing I'm wayyyy ahead of schedule for Fetishcon....I started wondering if there was a way I could "touch" the Madison gang on my way through. Now if I tried to involve the bdsm hierarchy to arrange a venue, had them contact their people, who contact their community members, I would be almost to Florida before anything could happen.
So...what to do....
I was in contact often with Honey Ryder as she wanted to help me with one of her strengths...connecting people.
Fetlife is becoming a powerful force in our world...
I thought of Trevor Howard and his city to city naked people art tours...
So I had Honey contact the main Madison fetlife group and post that I was coming through Madison tomorrow (Which is today now) and stopping by a park somewhere in the evening and if anyone wanted to come to a class on beginning bondage I would be there.
And we got responses!!!
The park is picked, at least a few people will show. I told everyone I wasn't actually charging anything for the class but gas donations would be accepted.

Now remember I said something about dangerous? Last night in the brainstorming....storm...I thought about why this isn't done in our communities. BDSM in a public venue? Will we get in trouble? Last night it was easy to say to myself that HELL NO we won't get in trouble. We keep out clothes on and there is nothing illegal going on right?
I guess we'll see.
Time to get started towards Madison now. Find a place for the trailer for the night, unhook, go look at the park...and wait...

I'll let you know how it goes as soon as I can.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 21, 2010
6:33 pm

Made it to the Dark Paradise Ranch a couple hours ago. Another long drive finally done. Gotta admit, the long drives are getting to me just a bit. Still they are nice in some ways too. I can sing at the top of my lungs without reserve. I really like to do that when I have my earphones on cause then I sound every bit as good as the recording artist doing my favorite songs. I start believing I really do sound that good once in a while, so I pull one earphone off my ear so I can hear my own voice...then I get a quick dose of reality, blush a little to myself, then put the earphone back down....then sing at the top of my lungs

Anyway, the ranch here really is beautiful. Texas has it's charms and beauty is in the eye and all that...but really...give me trees n green and water and wildlife anytime. Minnesota is as green as my home in the PACNW. Just different types of flora a fauna. Was just sitting outside under leaf dappled sunlight smelling the clean fresh air....and got bit by a Ok, everywhere has some bad with the good right?

So I came into my lil trailer to write. Yes, thank the skeeters.

Foxy Davis, my partner here, gave me the 50 cent tour....ok, this is a big place, it was more like a 2 dollar and 50 cent tour. Big barn, cool dungeon above it. Teaching classroom on the other side of it. A view of the 160 acres meadow and forested land. Supposed to be a lake on the back 40...with fish in it no less! Might have to grab my pole and check it out before the weekend is done.

Another barn is where the "Ho-down" will be. I'm pretty sure that means big, exciting barn dance. That barn has a sliding pulley system through the ceiling for piling hay that goes right out through the opening 37 feet above the ground. Foxy says it might be fun to slide suspended subbies in n out of the barn that way. I think that might be fun too.

The place has a sauna, a hot tub, outdoor showers, trees all over the place to suspend girls from and enough field place for a hundred tents easily. to get more people here next year.

This year? 6 or 8 paying attendees at most. :(

We didn't expect much...what with the late start and all. And it being out in the middle of nowhere northern Minnesota. But now that I'm here it really is a very cool place to have a big outdoor bdsm party. to get more people here next year.

Average airfare around the country...$200 to $400... Event $350 per couple, $220 per single. But that includes food and if you bring a tent and a sleeping bag, it includes lodging too. Logistics for something like this say that at MOST half the people might staying hotels. 4 day event...that adds another $200 to $400.

So a 4 day event here will cost some people only around $400 total! Others...a grand. :(

What do you get for that money?

Two meals per day, a brunch and a big BBQ! Unbridled, outdoor bdsm fun! No door Nazis! Sex wherever you wanna have it! No dungeon Nazis!! Classes and demos by me and Foxy. Foxy is pretty good at a lot of things. He and Sherrifox are quite the pony play team. Medal winners and all that. A bonfire every night, drum circles, Barn dance, play in a cool dungeon above the barn. Did I say no dungeon or door Nazis?

Foxy and I both hate the power tripping people who volunteer for those positions just so they can boss people around unnecessarily. It's one thing to do their job or oversee for safety an or emergencies, but so many are so intrusive and they cop an attitude that bums everyone out. Is "copping an attitude" a DM class these days? I swear!!

Anyway....I digress again. Where was I?

Oh yes...what do you get for your money. Nice thing about writing is that I only have to read back to get my place again. Many of you know its not that easy for me when talking or on the

You can stake your lover out in the can scream as loud as you want OUTDOORS and no one will come to your rescue!! You could try out pony play. They have extra carts here and I'm sure Foxy would help show you how to rig a pony. I hope to show people how to throw a lariat. Foxy may throw one better than me. I think he is a real cowboy. I sure hope so.

What else...

You could just relax. Its so far off the beaten quiet. I'm so happy to be away from the hustle n bustle of city type living.

I really like that relax part.

Oh and finally met Gwen, the proprietor of the Dark Paradise Ranch. Very sweet too!

Downside of this venue?

It's way out in the middle of nowhere. I've been talking to a lot of event people and they all unanimously agree that most events are supported by locals. Some people will travel a ways...or by air to get to a favorite event but MOST by far...are supported locally.

So for bdsm events...I doubt this will grow. There are other outdoor events thrown around the country that have a strong local community that will attend. Not so in northern MN.

Bondage industry? Possibly. Most industry people go to Fetishcon and they are getting tired of hotel shoots. Industry people fly to the event, pay for the event, pay for hotel and for food. That adds up! On top of that shooting in a hotel sucks. Here in MN there are many possibilities for outdoor shoots, barn shoots, dungeon shoots, tied to a fence, hung from a tree, staked out...

Here industry people would pay for airfare and event. But would they stay in tents? They couldn't possibly bring camping gear on the plane along with their bondage gear, 4 days clothing, camera gear... Maybe if we promise to supply tents and sleeping bags? Mayyyyybeee...

Well, going to take lots of pics. Take the pics and a lil hype to Fetishcon and see if people are interested for next year.

That's all I can do right?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20
10pm central time

Sooooo tired! Had wayyyy too much fun in Austin and Dallas.
I'm just over the Minnesota border tonight at a KOA Kampground.
Tomorrow I'll be in Cloquet, MN which is actually closer to the Lewbaricon event than Duluth.
I think the event will be pretty small....but that can be fun too!!

Stayed in Kansas City, MO last night with a couple new friends. I'll be back in KC in October for TrulyBound! It's on my Fetlife listings. Everybody MUST come to TrulyBound in October!! That was in my best hypnotist voice. Did it work?
I should have tried that voice for my Lewbaricon!! Dam hindsight...

Gotta ni ni now. I had high ambitions to put pics in the last few blogs....but I'm outta gas.

See you at the Dark Paradise Ranch tomorrow!!


Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16 noon or so

I'm back!
Ready to try again.
It's amazing sometimes how little time there seems to be in a day when you think you have all the time in the

It might seem like I cut things off in a "Cliff Hanger" kinda way but it wasn't on purpose. Writing isn't natural for me or easy in any way. I've been told I'm not a writer really but a story teller. I love sitting round with friends and talking. One story leads to another, sparking more stories. That's what I like. So I have to be in a story telling mood when I write which doesn't come easy if there is no one around to fire me up.

Sooo...picking back up...
The class went just fine. I did start out stuttering just a bit but once we got rolling things went just fine. The people LOVED Honey Ryder and that's what I count on for classes. I tell the demo girls that they are there to take attention off of me and distract the attendees from my boring And Honey did that well.
In no time at all we had 80+ people rolling around on the floor tying each other up.
After a while though, when Honey and I really got into sync, people stopped what they were doing to watch us. At one point I got totally lost in what the two of us were doing and forgot about everyone out in the crowd. Many times I lost focus completely and had a lot of trouble remembering where I was. Honey was just that sexy and flexible and adorable.
Almost too soon the time was up, I thanked the attendees and we both got a rousing round of applause. Whew! I'm always so glad when it's over! (Love/hate again right?)
After a bit of cool down, there were calls from some people to get a demo of the new LipLocker gag. I had put one up for auction and promised everyone a demo to show exactly how it worked.
One of my favorite people in the scene volunteered with his lovely date for the evening. Phillip The Foole and Chattele agreed to be the LipLocker demo models. I thought that was very cool because I had never used one on a couple. It was sooooooo cute!! I had them stand facing each other and moved them close together. They put their arms on each other in a light embrace and I tightened the straps on them both.
They looked like they were doing a Bondage Ball slow dance. It was very romantic and the attendees watching sighed often. "Awwwww...."

I was auctioned off as well and had a lovely scene with a delightful, local - self proclaimed- rope slut....and I proceeded to find out that she was indeed one of them-there (I'm still doin muh trailer trash accent) rope sluts. A lot of people say it...but she proved it without a doubt and we both had a wonderful time.

I sold lots of videos too! The newest one was finally released recently. How-to #3, Advanced Bondage. That one gives lots of tricks n tips for some of the more difficult parts of doing rope bondage successfully.

Coming soon we are going to start releasing the Suspension How-to's!!

Enough spamming.

After that Dallas night I took a couple days off, made some repairs on my trailer, saw Honey a few more times. Not releasing a lot of details about that now except to say that we get along pretty well and have very much been enjoying each others company along the way. We played some light bondage games in the pool, we hung around with the Luvbights and took it easy. By the way, Mick n Dee Luvbight are the ones putting me up in the Austin area and they are two of my favorite people in all the world. If you don't know about them and their wonderful (and free!!) website you really need to check it out. ( Don't miss the "fetish" link!
These two are passionate about what they do, passionate about each other and really good people. Very talented too!

Next it was off to an Austin group called the "What Knot" ( They are a rope group hosted and ran by SeniorJaime. I LOVED this group!! We had great fun doing the "Classics" one evening and "Predicament Bondage" the next. The classics went very well but I was a little shakey on the Predicament Bondage class. That one is still in the development stages and not nearly as smooth as I'd like it to be. But like I said the gang there was very kind to me. They made me feel comfy and we all had lots of fun.
Thank you Austin!!

Now it's Friday. Getting ready to leave downtown Austin and head back to outer Austin. Back to Mick n Dees place. Oh...didn't I say that I've been staying with Honey the past few days?'s been nice...

Got the GYNN Bash on Saturday, then Head out on the road again Sunday. Headed to the very first "Lewbaricon!" near Duluth, MN. Can't wait to see how that goes!

My love/hate bdsm world. I love going on to the next adventure....but hate leaving friends behind...

I won't change a thing though. I love my life.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

TTTour 4, 2010
July 15

Catch up time!
Well overdue catch up time too, as I've been advised by some

A week has gone by since my last entry. Squeezed a lot into this last week. That's my excuse and I hope that the following backs it

Wow...where to start?
Chronologically is as good a place as any I spose. The last entry was July 8, sooo...

July 9
Getting darned tired of the rain! It has followed me from the time I left Portland! Right down through Idaho, Utah, New Mexico and most of Texas. Once in a while I stayed just ahead of it, only to have it catch up again by nightfall. And of course Portland has been sunny and warm since I left. Thanks again Murphy.

A couple cool things have come from it though. Unlike the rain in the heavily forested PacNW, you can see the rain coming from a long ways away in Texas and other plains states. A couple rare times when it was sunny right over me, I could look way out ahead and watch this wall of storm moving towards me. Or was I moving towards it? Hard to tell sometimes. But it looked cool! From the ground right up to the clouds a gray and sometimes even black wall dominated a huge piece of the horizon. As I got closer to it, it became kind of 3 dimensional and showed shades of gray depending on how close each set of rain clouds was to me. And the rain comes down differently there too than where I'm from. Differently as in HARD! At times even the truckers pulled over to the side of the freeway. I would turn my wipers up to high and they resembled a fan on high speed and gave me a view out my windshield a little like and old time black n white over exposed movie, with flashes of scenery, freeway, cars taillights on the side of the road. The world looked like a giant strobe light was flashing and I knew I should be pulling over too but I was a bit mesmerized by it, so I just slowed down enough that I was sure I wouldn't run into anyone and kept going. Several minutes of free n clear freeway, between swipes of my high speed wipers showed people pulled over everywhere while I cruised along at 35 miles and hour on a freeway designated at Yes, a bit surreal.

Once the storms slowed down and I drove through most of them that day, I saw a pretty cool rainbow and even got a few pics of it. I think I know how to add pics into these blogs now, so once I d/l the pics I'll try to come back and add one or two.

Finally made it to Dallas today!! Friends putting me up there. New friends. GOOD new friends as it turns out. Very comfy house, great atmosphere, terrific food, TRUE southern hospitality like I haven't experienced in a long while. It's always scary when you agree to let strangers put you up. Yes, I'm a beggar right now and shouldn't be choosy but I've been stuck staying in some nasty places in the past, so you just never know and I was worried. Worried for nothing it turned out.
More on that once I get my hosts permission to put them in my blog.

Once settled in, I took a nap, then cleaned up and prepared to meet someone I'd been waiting to meet for months. More on THAT once I get permission from her. lol

I was told I should write this blog in a "stream of consciousness" kind of style so thinking of getting permissions first didn't occur to

Sooooo....after that late night meeting in my trailer in a dark corner of a Dallas Walmart parking lot.....
I went back to my hosts place and slept like a a log! One of my favorite parts of the TTTour is I'm wearing myself out completely every day and have had some of the best nights sleeps ever. I may look happy most of the time and smile a lot but I have my we all do...and they manifest themselves in a strong way when I try to sleep. The first time I went in years ago for a sleep study test the doc came back with his clipboard after the test, lifting up pages, putting them back down and let out a deep sigh, as if he didn't know where to start. Not a good sign right?

Anyway, I've been sleeping well lately and that's a very good thing in my world.

July 10
Woke up refreshed! Ready to go! Today is the first big teaching gig on the tour. The Dallas group has graciously allowed me to come teach and they asked for the most popular class I do: Bondage For Sex! In the late afternoon we headed for the Sanctuary. I had no idea what to expect. Even though it sounded like the bdsm community here was good sized, you never know what kind of space a group will support. So often it comes down to community leadership as to how well things work out locally. Well let me tell you...leadership here is STRONG!

The space is HUGE and well decorated, well equipped, well established and well run. This is a TOTALLY volunteer driven space and it's one of the best around. Great toys, play spaces, a beautiful social area...all in all terrific.

So I set up my gear while the normal pre-class butterflies bounced around off the insides of my stomach. Yes, I still get butterflies before EVERY class or demo. Nearly 10 years of this and it still never changes. I can appear like I'm cool calm and collected but still my introvert side hates being up in front of people.

Ha! Just now got permission to mention Honey Ryder! She is the one I waited to meet and met last night and she has also agreed to be my demo model for tonight's class. And since she was there with me then, you must assume our meeting last night went well right?
More about last night later.
Right now I'm rolling with the butterflies on class night.
Honey, who is kinda new to the bdsm scene, looks like she has the butterflies even worse than I do. I do what I can to try to make her feel comfy but once in a while she looks a little pale. A sure sign of BIG butterflies for her.
To make matters worse people started filing in. And filing in....and filing in! The organizers said it might be a big class but I had no idea how right they were. Nearly 90 people showed up!!
Most classes like this are 30 or 40. My classes are mostly hands on and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to control such a large class.
And the butterflies grew...
Honey and I were in the social And while talking with people realized that it was getting very close to class time. There were still a few people milling around the social area, so I told Honey we should go back and start getting ready.
We walked back to the class area and found out that when they say they are going to start at a certain time they START at that time! Over 80 people circled the teaching stage and my introvert side took the stage! Wide-eyed, gulping, sweat broke out, the whole works.
That moment. The one right before I get started. When everyone sees me come in. When they are all siting there with this..."entertain me" look on their faces (I know they aren't really but to my damned introvert self it sure looks that way!), THAT is the scariest moment. And it's a loooooooonnnngggggggg.....moment. Maybe 40 to 50 seconds that seems to take hours. Outwardly, I'm smiling confidently, striding in like I own the place, charming charismatic... Inwardly? I'm walking the last mile. Inwardly, my shoulders are hunched, my head down, I'm resolved to the death sentence handed down by the evil event organizers...consigned to the fate that awaits me at the top of the gallows stairs.
Ok, I'm embellishing a little. But not by as much as you might think.

Well dam. Totally lost my rhythm, my momentum. That happens sometimes when the coffee wears off. I'm not leaving you all totally hanging in suspense just because I'm sadistic. I won't write unless I feel like it. And I have to feel good about it too. Not going force myself to write.
I'll post this for now and try to come back soon.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8, 2010

Got bacon frying on the stove, lots of coffee in my system and a little extra time today.
Also got permission from LovittGirl (LG from here on out, or just L) to tell our short but sweet story.

We started talking months ago online, on texts, on the phone. We got along well there.
The flirting process was moving along first. Not that there were ever any big problems but there is a learning curve with not only long distance relationships but with ONLINE long distance relationships where you haven't even ever met in Real Time (RT)! I've been through that process, both processes several times now. L had not. Things got tricky...

But let me back up a bit. You might get the picture a little better.

While L and I had never really met we DID see each other at an event once or twice. Kinkfest in Portland, OR. I taught a class there, my most popular class, Bondage for Sex and I think that was where L first saw me. Once we finally met in RT, I think I remembered her face from that class. We passed each other once or twice during the event. I remember a high heeled, mini-skirted cutie going by once or twice.

Anyway we got in touch through Fetlife and started talking....then flirting...then more flirting... You know the deal right? We all want love so badly that we often compromise our principles in RT in order to accommodate each other. Relationships are about compromise anyway right? We all do it whether we realize it or not. And online? Because of our desires and wants and needs, the person on the other end of our fantasies can and often does appear much larger than life. Interacting without the pressures of face to face encounters lets even those of us who are a bit socially inept appear to have a handle on life that is just plain not realistic much of the time.
Yes, we can weed out those who are a bit slower than others. Spelling, grammar, philosophical lackings, intelligence levels period...but there is a lot more to making a RT relationship than what you can discern online.

I know so many people who got all charged up over someone online, on the phone that they actually planned a future around each other without having EVER met! Most ended in disaster. Some worked for a while then ended in disaster. Maybe some worked...but not many I'll guess. You don't hear as much about those or the news isn't quite as interesting.

What can't you know online? I'm not expert but these are my feelings:

The smell of someone...the taste...the chemistry that either is or is not there.
Let me tell you about an couple experience of mine. I speak often from the viewpoint of what I have heard but more often, and with more conviction, from experiences I have been through.

When I first came into this biz, I got to work with a famous bondage model I had idolized for years. She was even sweeter in RT than I thought she would be in my dreams and fantasies. A few years and a few shoots later we had a chance to follow up on the flirtations we began that first shoot. She is beautiful, loves bondage, is very submissive, has money, a fun open personality and we conversed well. So...I was totally infatuated with her and wanted a relationship badly.

When we finally got together for a weekend affair, something happened that really pissed me off. She didn't feel right...she didn't smell right...and I never got totally comfy with her. And I wanted to VERY badly. We could have produced very successful content together, had a very happy life...and I LIKED her...a lot!

We drifted apart...or at least that's the story I'm going to tell and stick to.
But my point is...even AFTER we met and interacted and knew each other fairly well, the fantasy was wayyyyyyy better than the reality! How could anyone really know that true love is happening without having ever met?

That incident was one of a couple similar situations I have been through. Maybe I'll write about the others sometime if anyone is interested.

So as L and I talked more, flirted harder, started becoming infatuated with each other, I KNEW from experience that I had to reign in my emotions till we met. I mentioned that to her as well and at first she had a little trouble with that concept.
As I backed off to a livable level she sometimes took offense or felt that I didn't feel as strongly as she did about our "possibilities" for a RT relationship.

We struggled back n forth for a while. Trying what we could to arrange a RT meeting.
Frustration at having to wait added pressure to a relationship that wasn't really a relationship yet!

Well we finally set a date on the calendar. It's really the only way to get with me anyway. If it makes the calendar, I'll stick to it.

We agreed jokingly at first to meet somewhere between where we both lived and we would both drive there. That way if we hated each other we could go our separate ways easily. I opened google maps, plotted her city and mine, picked a point as close to between us as I could find and kept enlarging the map till i found something that looked fun.
It was a state Park called Rainbow Falls State Park. Mileage wise it was nearly exactly between us.

Now this date was set up nearly a month or so ahead of time. As it neared we both felt equal measures of excitement and fear. Wanting badly...not knowing if we would even like each other. L is a strong minded woman and I've been known to butt heads with others on rare occasions So we butted online once in a while but I LOVE a woman who can stand up for herself! So even though there were tricky spots I still wanted to find out what's what with her. ANY connection is rare for me so I believe in following up on any possibility.

I got to the park that Friday, well before L and set up camp. It was a pretty little place well off the beaten path. Once I got there I realized I had no cell signal! No way to contact L and no way to do the puter chores I needed to do. So once camp was set up I drove back to town. Once there I contacted L and then sat in front of a Home Depot to do puter stuff. Did you know most Home Depots (We in the bdsm scene also call it Dom Depot cause we pervert soooo many things from have free wi-fi? Anyway I and my ADD digress again.

So I sat there in my truck in the parking lot of HD and did my puter stuff and waited nervously. I let her know by text right where I was and waited...

Then a car pulled up. I saw it was her. We both got out of our cars. Both us had apprehension and lust and longing and worry and nervousness and many other emotions that waiting so long can our eyes. But we walked quickly up to each other, started smiling as we got closer and moved quickly into each others arms for a big hug.
Good start! She smelled good! Felt good!

The rest of the weekend was a blur. Or at least I'm saying that now because the details belong to us. It's not important to me to disclose all the gory details (not that there really were any) to the general public. Suffice it to say that we got along well. We were comfy right away. We had romantic evenings around the campfire, decent food as well, played a bit...took some and had a pretty darned good weekend together.
While I'm not heads over heels in love with LovittGirl, I do feel a strng emotional attachment, like her a lot and feel like we shared a special time. And I DO want to see her again sometime. She is truly a wonderful person.

Oh and in fact I did see her one more time before I left the Portland area! She was in town shooting with others during the time my art show went on. She was there for that, she helped celebrate my going away party and fit in well with the rest of the gang there at the club. We hugged hard with at least slightly moist eyes at the end of the night...vowing to get together again sometime.

One side note before I finish this story. I got an email last night from a VERY good Portland friend that there is going to be a fund raiser to replace the very expensive set of rope I lost that night. I found out that LovittGirl started the idea. She really is very sweet and I'm incredibly thankful to my Portland friends for the thought.

Anyway in summing up this little story I want to make sure those of you who read it understand my intentions for writing it.
1. Because this is the 2nd TTTour 4 Prequel Story and this blog - for now - is about my summer and fall TTTour.
2. So that maybe others of you who are developing online relationships can learn from the mistakes I and others I know, have made. The internet is an amazing and wonderful thing. If not for it I wouldn't be here writing this story. I wouldn't have the incredible and amazing life I have. We all might not even KNOW each other!
But at the risk of sounding like an old philosophical geezer, there is a price to pay for anything good. You can prepay, post pay or pay instantly...but I guarantee you WILL pay a price.
So go slow, take your time, keep your emotions in check as best you can, which I am TERRIBLE at! You can learn a lot about a person online....but not everything.

Ok....done preaching.

Headed for Dallas now! I plan on being there on Friday! Gonna see my video guy there, do a demo for the Dallas gang Saturday and another possible love

Here I go again.....


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7, 2010 around 9pm New Mexico time!
TTTour day 5

Stopped in at my New Mexico friends place last night. These are the Hottbonds people (, my leather making friends. These guys are so sweet and THE BEST....or at least MY favorite leather makers. They made my heel lock design, they are producing my new LipLocker gag and we are brainstorming other ideas too. I don't want to make this blog about spamming but check out their really is all well made.
Left there this morning and made my way across NM. Weird weather today! Just outside of Albuquerque I hit a rainstorm that turned into a snowstorm then into a rainstorm again. If anyone would have told me I could hit snow in New Mexico in July, I would have thought they would try to sell this Eskimo an igloo in ...well...New Mexico!!

Sitting just short of the Texas border right now at a KOA campground.....raining here now! I heard it's sunny in Portland. I guess it followed me here. Gonna outrun it tomorrow!

Hope to tell the second TTTour prequel story tomorrow too. Gotta get permission first though. Hope she gets back to me soon...



Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, 2010 9am
TTTour Day 4

Wow. I am really sleeping well these days. Wearing myself out completely seems to help. Woke up feeling refreshed are ready to write. Kinda nice to have so few responsibilities on the road that I can follow my whims once in a while.

That's what I did yesterday in coming here to Moab and seeing the Arches National Park. It was amazing! I started at the visitors center so I had an overview of what the part had to offer, then started driving the 18 miles or so of the parks roads. I was stopping every couple of minutes to take more pics, thinking, Ooooo...I wanna tie a girl there....and there...and YESSSS, over there!! Of course I admired the natural beauty too...but c'mon.... It was so beautiful really that I even forgot to ask the park rangers if I could do wild ass bondage shoots here someday. Oh well, I KNOW I want to do that here someday....I'll just call first to make sure its ok. I'm sure it won't be a

So I promised some TTTour prequel stories. Here is the first:

Before I left the Portland area I knew I wanted to test my trailer out before hitting the long road. It's a very old trailer and something new breaks every season. So I googled the area around Portland and found a cool RV park to try on the Columbia river. So I drove out there and set up. Long story short...there were LOTS of problems with the trailer. I fixed some..wasn't able to fix others but lets move on to more interesting things. Like S.

At the same time I was doing this research I had started to communicate with a new Fetlife friend, S. Remember her from the first post? Anyway, she had hot pics there and seemed nice and wanted to shoot together sometime, so I mentioned to her about my TTTour and the trailer testing I wanted to do. She thought that sounded cool so I asked her if she would be my first TTTour abduction victim. To my surprise she said yes and even seemed eager about it! Ya gotta love an eager kidnap victim.

I did some driving round the local area and found some good possibilities for shoot locations, then drove off to get the girl. She turned out to be a blast! Open for anything, positive, upbeat attitude...oh yeah, and hot too! We went up to the middle of the woods following a power line road and did a shoot off one of the power line towers. Cool pics coming from that soon. After the shoot - which can sometimes be a little like foreplay - we loaded up the truck and and made everything secure....including her! I set her up in the passenger seat and she was wayyyyyy safer than with just a silly ol seat Got her well bound and topless then we started driving back to camp, which was 15 to 20 minutes away and on some fairly populated roads. Much to my surprise again, she was VERY shy about the possibility of being seen. Of course that makes it MUCH better for a sadist like me right? From the very first part of the drive back, she was squirming in the ropes and talking fast, trying to get me to untie her before someone saw her. That was very hot for me. Gotta love a little begging. Keep in mind we both knew if she really wanted loose she could stop the scene at any time. But the fact that she didn't, even while getting very red-faced when anyone went by was really hot.

One of the funniest parts was when we were still on the dirt roads trying to find our way out, I made a wrong turn and was having trouble remembering the way. When we came upon a scruffy old camper guy that was even MORE trailer trash than me! I threatened to stop and asked for directions and S really started struggling and screaming not to stop. The guy gave us a big wave and I KNOW he saw her topless but couldn't quite see the ropes as he gave us a big hello and wave as we went by. I was laughing so hard...and I was a little hard while I was laughing... We ended up at a dead end. We looked at each other with wide eyes, knowing we had to go by Mr Redneck Trailer Trash again. This time I started slowing down as we passed him as if I really was going to ask him for directions. He started walking over, then I just kept going....Ss eyes were so big!

Once we got close to the main road, she started getting really nervous. I couldn't resist teasing her a bit more. I stopped the truck, got out, walked around to her side while she watched me curiously, opened her door and undid her seat belt. I pulled her torso bound body out of the truck, closed the door, left her standing there and went back around to my side while she was excitedly asking me what I was doing and why did i do that? I got in closed my door, put the truck in gear and started to drive off. The look on her face as priceless!! She started screaming NO!! What are you doing?! You can't leave me here! Eyes darting around wondering what she was going to do...where she was going to go.

Then I stopped, got out gave her a big bound girl hug, laughing like mad and sporting a hard on that I rubbed against her while untying her. Mmmmm...yummy... We got back in the truck and she chided me and threatened me the whole way back. And she even tied ME up on the way back! While I was driving! Ok sure it was just one hand...but might have been dangerous!
You can see that pic on her Fetlife profile. She even made me do a pouty face for the pic. She got the biggest kick out of me leaving the ropes on when we went through a toll booth. As we drove up to it I said to her, watch, they won't even notice. And they didn't! We laughed so hard.

Once back at camp, we had a nice evening and a nice night sleeping together. Purely innocent...really! Ok there were some more bondage games but I don't do casual sex and we didn't go there.

The morning was fun though. I put her in high heels and she had her sweat pants on, bound her arms behind her back, put my coat over her and zipped it up and helped her outside to a camp chair where I had breakfast ready for her. There is a pic of that on MY Fetlife profile. She had egg on her face because if I'm going too feed someone during a bondage breakfast, I'm sure as hell going to miss her mouth once in a while so I get to suck the food off her face. That was hot. It was also hot when the RV camp started waking up. People all around. A lady walked by with her dog and said good morning. Ss face blushed nicely when she said good morning back. What a lovely sight that was. Her sitting in a camp chair, wearing gray sweats, high heels, my coat over her bound arms and yellow egg yoke running down the side of her face....sigh...I'm truly a bondage romantic.

That's the highlights of the first TTTour Abductions Prequel. What a start!!

Part two coming soon. I need breakfast! No victim to share it with this morning. But maybe sometime....