The post Lewbaricon Blues...
Sad yes...but a good sign too right? It means I had a good time. You go way fall way down. Been through it enough times now that I readily identify it. That still doesn't stop the emotions but at least I know it'll pass right?
Sooo...what brought this on you might ask after you read the last blog and my concerns about the viability of this event?
Three things mainly. Maybe more. You know us ADD people. 3 can turn into 30 easily. But I'll start with three and digress from
1. The venue. The Dark Paradise Ranch (DPR)is so amazing! I explained a bit about it visually in the last blog but now I'll try it emotionally.
Calm...serene...away from it all. I'd forgotten how stressful civilization and society was. I'm a country boy at heart and have always disliked city living...but as it turned out, even in the rural living I was doing in the last year in Oregon, it was NOT like really getting away from it all. The nearest SMALL town is almost half an hour away! Sure we all had to spray on some bug dope once in a while....and I used a "for real" outhouse fairly often. But as time went by, I noticed my brow unknitting....little by little. Do you know what I mean? When you fight for a living every day in your socially structured life you get used to bracing yourself for things that might sneak up on you. A horn honking right behind you. A childs scream,
dodging the morons on the road, stuff like that. After a while you don't even notice that you are in a habitual state of self defense and awareness and tension.
That all dropped away while I was at Lewbaricon MN. My brow unknit, my shoulders relaxed and dropped, that monkey on my back stopped holding on so tight.
Now that alone...was worth the trip for me.
2. Tighterizbetter. Fetlife profile:
This girl...woman...was SOOOOO much fun! We hit it off right away and got along amazingly well. The pics will show that. Can't wait to see her again. Which will be at Fetishcon in less than 2 weeks! The friend she brought with her was a blast too!
3. Foxy, Gwen and everyone else who came to Lewbaricon. The people truly make any event. Everyone here was positive and upbeat from the first minute to the last. I've always like Foxy but thought sometimes he was just acting like he was happy all the I do sometimes cause I'm a professional right. But no. This southern cowboy has a love of life that few can match. His zest and zeal infect everyone around him and he never stops. He did most of the logistics for the event, played nearly nonstop and often was the catalyst for all of our fun. Can't wait to do it again with you partner.
Gwen, the owner and proprietor of the DPR was very charming, beautiful, confident, caring and worked hard at making the whole experience at her lovely ranch enjoyable for all.
For all my whining about whether it will work out or not for next year...I'm going for it! WE are going for it.
Hopefully advertising for it will start in the near future.
Upcoming stuff
I left DPR Monday and am now just a little short of Madison Wisconsin. I had a brainstorm during the drive...which is common when all you have to do on the long trips is think. But sometimes those thoughts are skewed? Dangerous? I'll decide.
Knowing there is a decent community in Madison, WI and knowing I should have contacted them since I'm coming through and knowing I'm wayyyy ahead of schedule for Fetishcon....I started wondering if there was a way I could "touch" the Madison gang on my way through. Now if I tried to involve the bdsm hierarchy to arrange a venue, had them contact their people, who contact their community members, I would be almost to Florida before anything could happen.
So...what to do....
I was in contact often with Honey Ryder as she wanted to help me with one of her strengths...connecting people.
Fetlife is becoming a powerful force in our world...
I thought of Trevor Howard and his city to city naked people art tours...
So I had Honey contact the main Madison fetlife group and post that I was coming through Madison tomorrow (Which is today now) and stopping by a park somewhere in the evening and if anyone wanted to come to a class on beginning bondage I would be there.
And we got responses!!!
The park is picked, at least a few people will show. I told everyone I wasn't actually charging anything for the class but gas donations would be accepted.
Now remember I said something about dangerous? Last night in the brainstorming....storm...I thought about why this isn't done in our communities. BDSM in a public venue? Will we get in trouble? Last night it was easy to say to myself that HELL NO we won't get in trouble. We keep out clothes on and there is nothing illegal going on right?
I guess we'll see.
Time to get started towards Madison now. Find a place for the trailer for the night, unhook, go look at the park...and wait...
I'll let you know how it goes as soon as I can.