Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7, 2010 around 9pm New Mexico time!
TTTour day 5

Stopped in at my New Mexico friends place last night. These are the Hottbonds people (, my leather making friends. These guys are so sweet and THE BEST....or at least MY favorite leather makers. They made my heel lock design, they are producing my new LipLocker gag and we are brainstorming other ideas too. I don't want to make this blog about spamming but check out their really is all well made.
Left there this morning and made my way across NM. Weird weather today! Just outside of Albuquerque I hit a rainstorm that turned into a snowstorm then into a rainstorm again. If anyone would have told me I could hit snow in New Mexico in July, I would have thought they would try to sell this Eskimo an igloo in ...well...New Mexico!!

Sitting just short of the Texas border right now at a KOA campground.....raining here now! I heard it's sunny in Portland. I guess it followed me here. Gonna outrun it tomorrow!

Hope to tell the second TTTour prequel story tomorrow too. Gotta get permission first though. Hope she gets back to me soon...

