Tuesday August 17 2010 3:30 pm
The Night Of Tighterizbetter, gg And The Pool Scene
I mentioned recently about the fact that I've never really had a "threesome." But I suppose that isn't true in every way.
First a little set up though...
I met gg online well over a year ago on Fetlife. We talked lots online, felt we had a lot in common and got along well. We even talked on the phone a couple of times. So of course the next step was getting to know each other in RT (real time). The chance came up...we met at an event in New Jersey and we got along great! Always a good surprise as I've pointed out in previous blogs here. So we planned another event in which to spend time together. This one was Camp Crucible in PA and we spent 5 wonderful days together. In all that time gg gave me not a single minute of the drama that is typical in many women. LOVE hanging with gg...love hanging her...in suspension...lol Sorry. Couldn't resist the oldest suspension joke yet one more time.
Anyway, bottom line..gg is easy going, understands that in my life I travel and have women that are special to me in a couple...ok, several...other cities. She is happy with seeing me when she can and creates no drama over it....ever.
Tighteriz better....Je (pronounced Jay)... Je and I met in Minnesota at my Lewbaricon event there. We talked a little on Fetlife before and before we met I remember thinking several times..."Man! She talks a good game. I wonder if she can keep it up in RT?" Well, she did. Big time. I actually got a bit hooked on her there.
Soooo....now Mr. cool-and-thinks-he-is-open-minded Lew is at an event where more than one woman he is close to is at the same event. The old Mr. Lew is nervous about it. The new Mr. Lew says, "Hey it's cool. I'm open with em both...no prob."
Ya right Mr. two Lews.
So the first time the 3 of us are in the same room, I'm hangin with gg and in comes Je, who I cannot seem to be able to resist even a little and we give each other that long lost lover hug. I glance at gg and she is smiling. Not a completely smiling smile...but a smile none the less.
Second time I run into each of them separately and mention I'm heading to the pool soon. I go up there later...it's nighttime. And a big hangout at Fetishcon later at night. I sit in a lounge chair. Both girls come at the same time.
Now what you have to realize is that there is a reason I've never had a threesome. I've mostly been a monogamous guy most of my life. Ok almost all of my life.
And at this moment I'm not thinking "threesome". I'm thinking discomfort. How can I pay attention to one girl and not hurt the feelings of the other? Well...the girls taught me something that night.
The three of us are sitting there talking...then the girls talk, then I start to relax. Now every time I come to the pool its with a bag of toys. Just FYI.
I overheat quickly in the Florida outdoors and hop in the pool but before I do I put my toybag close to the edge. The girls see this, keep talking among themselves but glance at me smiling cause they KNOW me. They KNOW I always wanna have fun and they know if they are close, that the fun might include them. So without interrupting their own conversation they move towards the edge of the pool.
I duck under the water to cool off and move towards the edge where they AND the toybag are. I put a hand on each of their ankles...just to touch...
As I reached, their conversation stopped. They looked at me. I melted. The magic took over. From there it was not me who went forward. It was someone I wanted to be. Someone released by two wonderful and amazing women to a place of comfort I rarely envision much less realize.
I pulled lightly on their ankles and they slowly shifted their weight and following my lead slipped gracefully into the water...standing in front of me. I put an arm around each of their waists and pulled them close. We were all smiling. Not big wide grins...comfy, sensual, easy, smiles. While holding them close I started our little dance....our scene...
I slowly....every move from here on out was slow....I turned us all 180 degrees, which put me by my toybag by the pool. I turned them back to back and pushed their backs together by pressure on their stomachs and added some side to side pressure that hoped would entice them into erotically charged movements against each other. It did.
I opened my bag and took out two short ropes. I tucked one into Je's bikini top and used the other to tie their two wrists closest to me back to back. As soon as the rope touches them they both start going to that rope place that all bondage lovers want their bottoms to go. Breath quickens, sensual movement become almost involuntary.
I moved to the other side and tie those wrists back to back as well.
Then I lifted those last two arms high enough for me to slip under and in between the two girls. What a wonderful place to be. I place a hand on each of their upper backs and pushed them apart....little by little...watching their arms stretch, backs arch...I push till they are as far apart as they can go...comfortably. Then I push a bit more and they both moan. I let them go and they both move back to surround me. I'm getting a bit charged up by now. I put an arm around each of their necks and apply pressure. More lovely sounds.
I turn to face gg's backside. I grip her hip with one hand and push her back with the other forcing her to bend over, which in turn forces Je over my back. Holy shit.
I bum n grind a bit then greed takes over and I want to try the same turned the other way.
This time I grip Je's hip with one hand, her hair with the other and use the same elbow to the middle of her back to force her to bend over while pulling her head back into a VERY forced backarch. Holy fucking shit. How hot is this?!!
Well it just kept getting hotter.
I moved outside the girl circle to stand in front of gg. I used my knees to force her knees apart, reached around her to Je's hips, then pushed my weight forward....forcing gg to lean back, which in turn forced Je to bend forward, then pushed gg's legs up with my knees so they locked around my waist. Forming a pool missionary with Je as the body table that gg is laying back on. OMFG Holyshit MF...
After a bunch of bumping n grinding in various positions like this I stood beside them again and put one hand between each of their legs....and gg came within seconds. Je and I both giggled. We worked together to make gg cum many more times. We decided she was a really fun wind-up and make-er-cum toy...lol
After an hour...or maybe it was two...I don't know exactly...it wasn't important...we moved out of the pool. Laid together for a while on the lounge chair.
All of us a bit delirious.
Nothing to worry about was there?
The end for now.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sunday August 15 2010 5pm
More Fetishcon Stuff
Ok, so the model getting arrested at the pre party Wednesday was pretty cool. I was right there when they hauled her out handcuffed and resisting nicely. I would have thought that scene would have turned me on more than it did though. I felt a little sorry for the stupid girl. She was so drunk! She was drunk very early in the evening. She was doing circus acts with a guy and they were crashing into things, bumping peoples chairs. I guess she was warned several times but didn't heed the warnings.
She WAS struggling a bit when the police brought her out, one handcuffed arm twisted up high on her back as she tried to plant her feet - very unsuccessfully - on the way by. That should have turned me on. Sucks sometimes being an empathetic sadist. I guess fantasy is still better than reality on many fronts eh?
Day 2...or the first day of the actual con, was the Meet n Greet. The real dress-up day of Fetishcon. Hot sexy outfits and bodies everywhere. At first people are just posing but it didn't take long till rope was flying.
I had several highlights that night. One was making MandyKs' elbows touch. I taught her the elbow stretching exercises and for the first time in her life her elbows actually touched. She went on and on about it all weekend. So gratifying to make someone so pretty, so happy with tight bondage...lol
Another was doing a demo of the new Lew Rubens LipLocker Gag! Two very pretty girls agreed to be victims for the demo. I tied both of their arms behind their backs separately then connected them one at a time to the new gag. That moment when the 2nd girl is attached...when her mouth opens wide and she closes in slowly on the others girls open gagged mouth ...is a moment I cherish. Yes....I'm such a bondage romantic. Or maybe just a bondage horn-dog....lol. After they were connected, I had them circle slowly so everyone could get a good look. Then I asked one girl to kneel and the other to remain standing bent over. That was a very sexy moment too. Then I walked around behind the standing girl grabbed her hips and said to everyone watching ," I've never told anyone this but I've never been in a threesome before....but if I was going to? I'd like to start it just like this." As I looked around the room I saw a lovely mixture of emotions and sounds that told me people were indeed paying attention and maybe even thinking about buy the gag...lol
Mmmm....tired now. Thats all I feel like writing today. I think I'll go fantasize - yet again - about that threesome possibility.
More Fetishcon Stuff
Ok, so the model getting arrested at the pre party Wednesday was pretty cool. I was right there when they hauled her out handcuffed and resisting nicely. I would have thought that scene would have turned me on more than it did though. I felt a little sorry for the stupid girl. She was so drunk! She was drunk very early in the evening. She was doing circus acts with a guy and they were crashing into things, bumping peoples chairs. I guess she was warned several times but didn't heed the warnings.
She WAS struggling a bit when the police brought her out, one handcuffed arm twisted up high on her back as she tried to plant her feet - very unsuccessfully - on the way by. That should have turned me on. Sucks sometimes being an empathetic sadist. I guess fantasy is still better than reality on many fronts eh?
Day 2...or the first day of the actual con, was the Meet n Greet. The real dress-up day of Fetishcon. Hot sexy outfits and bodies everywhere. At first people are just posing but it didn't take long till rope was flying.
I had several highlights that night. One was making MandyKs' elbows touch. I taught her the elbow stretching exercises and for the first time in her life her elbows actually touched. She went on and on about it all weekend. So gratifying to make someone so pretty, so happy with tight bondage...lol
Another was doing a demo of the new Lew Rubens LipLocker Gag! Two very pretty girls agreed to be victims for the demo. I tied both of their arms behind their backs separately then connected them one at a time to the new gag. That moment when the 2nd girl is attached...when her mouth opens wide and she closes in slowly on the others girls open gagged mouth ...is a moment I cherish. Yes....I'm such a bondage romantic. Or maybe just a bondage horn-dog....lol. After they were connected, I had them circle slowly so everyone could get a good look. Then I asked one girl to kneel and the other to remain standing bent over. That was a very sexy moment too. Then I walked around behind the standing girl grabbed her hips and said to everyone watching ," I've never told anyone this but I've never been in a threesome before....but if I was going to? I'd like to start it just like this." As I looked around the room I saw a lovely mixture of emotions and sounds that told me people were indeed paying attention and maybe even thinking about buy the gag...lol
Mmmm....tired now. Thats all I feel like writing today. I think I'll go fantasize - yet again - about that threesome possibility.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Friday August 13th. Around 11am
Friday the 13?!!
Wow...it's been since August 1st that I blogged? THAT time went by fast! Maybe because it was so much fun? Could be.
Oh and I noticed that there are NO comments on the last 2 blogs! Is that common on blogs? Is anyone reading these things? Aw well...guess it's all about journaling for posterity right?
Soooo...what's been going on since August 1st?
Fetishcon! That's what! One of my favorite, favorite events of all time! Up until 2 years ago I went to every one of them on my own dime, even though almost every other event I went to paid ME to come. That's how much I like this event. The last 2 years I was too poor to come on my own and the event was gracious enough to give me a full ride. VERY nice of them since they usually only give the pretty girls the free ride...lol Understandable of course. People ya gotta see at least one Fetishcon in your lifetime. Webpage here: www.fetishcon.com
Why go? Fun people and more beautiful bondage loving women than ANY OTHER EVENT!! Meet your favorite bondage producers and bondage models too.
The event itself goes Thursday through Sunday but it's become a tradition for many of us to meet Wednesday night for a pre party in the lobby bar at the host hotel. THAT is a fun way to start off the event! And this years pre party was even more eventful than many others.
That night I'm sitting around with friends having drinks and talking and waiting for the next beautiful bondage model to walk up to say hi, when suddenly...ONE DOES! lol Jacquelyn Velvets. Lovely, lovely petite blond who I managed to get my ropes on just once last year here. She comes up now giving me that sexy mischievous smile, gives me a hug and talks to us all at my table for a bit. Someone asked her if she had ever been tied up by me and I got to hear her version of the story she has been telling since last year.
She said basically: "I was in the hot tub. Lots of people there. Lew got in, we got introduced and next thing I knew I was hogtied in Lews ropes! I don't know exactly how it happened."

I loved hearing her tell that one...
So now we are all sitting there at the bar and I have a strong desire to tie her up again. Which happens anytime I'm around a pretty girl. So I ask all my friends - WHILE I'm staring at Jacquelyn, I might add - if it's ok to tie up girls at this pre party. Friends said no...management doesn't like it. "Bummer", I say to Jacquelyn. She pouts a bit while holding her arms behind her back....just to tease me.
Then my phone goes off. I have to meet friends at another location. I look around for management. They aren't watching me. Earlier - just in case - I had put a roll of electrical tape in my pocket. I pulled it out. Everyone looked at it. Then looked at me smiling. Including Jacquelyn. I said to her, "turn around". She did. I used everyone at the table like a quarterback uses other players to screen a play, gripped her wrists in one hand and wrapped them quickly and tightly with the other hand. Then I asked her to fill me in about what happens when she sees me next. She said ok, then walked away with a big smile on her face. I said goodbye to friends I was with and as I was leaving I saw Jacquelyn talking to a girl at the other end of the bar like nothing was up.
Hot way to leave a bar. Good way to start a con.
And it only got better...
When I got back later that night a really drunk model got arrested and hauled out handcuffed in front of everyone!
Want more about the con?
Friday the 13?!!
Wow...it's been since August 1st that I blogged? THAT time went by fast! Maybe because it was so much fun? Could be.
Oh and I noticed that there are NO comments on the last 2 blogs! Is that common on blogs? Is anyone reading these things? Aw well...guess it's all about journaling for posterity right?
Soooo...what's been going on since August 1st?
Fetishcon! That's what! One of my favorite, favorite events of all time! Up until 2 years ago I went to every one of them on my own dime, even though almost every other event I went to paid ME to come. That's how much I like this event. The last 2 years I was too poor to come on my own and the event was gracious enough to give me a full ride. VERY nice of them since they usually only give the pretty girls the free ride...lol Understandable of course. People ya gotta see at least one Fetishcon in your lifetime. Webpage here: www.fetishcon.com
Why go? Fun people and more beautiful bondage loving women than ANY OTHER EVENT!! Meet your favorite bondage producers and bondage models too.
The event itself goes Thursday through Sunday but it's become a tradition for many of us to meet Wednesday night for a pre party in the lobby bar at the host hotel. THAT is a fun way to start off the event! And this years pre party was even more eventful than many others.
That night I'm sitting around with friends having drinks and talking and waiting for the next beautiful bondage model to walk up to say hi, when suddenly...ONE DOES! lol Jacquelyn Velvets. Lovely, lovely petite blond who I managed to get my ropes on just once last year here. She comes up now giving me that sexy mischievous smile, gives me a hug and talks to us all at my table for a bit. Someone asked her if she had ever been tied up by me and I got to hear her version of the story she has been telling since last year.
She said basically: "I was in the hot tub. Lots of people there. Lew got in, we got introduced and next thing I knew I was hogtied in Lews ropes! I don't know exactly how it happened."

I loved hearing her tell that one...
So now we are all sitting there at the bar and I have a strong desire to tie her up again. Which happens anytime I'm around a pretty girl. So I ask all my friends - WHILE I'm staring at Jacquelyn, I might add - if it's ok to tie up girls at this pre party. Friends said no...management doesn't like it. "Bummer", I say to Jacquelyn. She pouts a bit while holding her arms behind her back....just to tease me.
Then my phone goes off. I have to meet friends at another location. I look around for management. They aren't watching me. Earlier - just in case - I had put a roll of electrical tape in my pocket. I pulled it out. Everyone looked at it. Then looked at me smiling. Including Jacquelyn. I said to her, "turn around". She did. I used everyone at the table like a quarterback uses other players to screen a play, gripped her wrists in one hand and wrapped them quickly and tightly with the other hand. Then I asked her to fill me in about what happens when she sees me next. She said ok, then walked away with a big smile on her face. I said goodbye to friends I was with and as I was leaving I saw Jacquelyn talking to a girl at the other end of the bar like nothing was up.
Hot way to leave a bar. Good way to start a con.
And it only got better...
When I got back later that night a really drunk model got arrested and hauled out handcuffed in front of everyone!
Want more about the con?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
August 1, 2010
8:35 am
The Madison group stop in the park was amazing!! A dozen or so people showed up and we all had a great time! An hour early 3 people showed and we talked and killed time. Really sweet people. Then others showed...including GrayDancer! http://www.graydancer.com/ This guy is quite a character. We've met before and he does that Ropecast thing online: http://www.ropecast.net/ Pretty cool stuff. And he even did a "quicky" interview with me.
Maybe there IS something to this whole rumor about Madison Wisconsin being the Rope Capitol of the World!
Went out to dinner with the gang after the class. Had some VERY tasty cheese curds. Good company too. I feel like I made a few new friends.
Then it was off to the Chicago area to attempt something similar there. "Attempt" and "similar" being the key words there as it turns out. Chicago is a big city. Lots of people. Lots of KINKY people. But there is, it seems, a lot of difference between big city groups and smaller decent sized city groups. Or maybe it's not fair to compare Chicago to the Bondage Capitol of the World Madison, Wisconsin.
I'm not sure anyone has noticed but I travel a lot. Have for around 9 years now. I see lots of communities. I see lots of parallels. Some good. Some not so much. One common denominator that almost every presenter and long time bdsm people notice is that in nearly every group of any size that has been established for several years, there has been a major split. Most times the biggest egos clash and split the communities. Half the people going with each ego. Then those two groups spend HUGE amounts of time NOT working together. And that's putting it mildly.
When I came into this world I was bright eyed and amazed and typically overeager. The internet was changing our world hugely. Some good , maybe some bad....but that's not the point right now. Point is...I likened our world to a history changing time...kinda like the gay rights movements of the 60's. I thought...man!..there are enough of us now that we could all pull together to change our world. Stop our persecution, make society see us as more than serial killers and domestic abusers.
Did you know that there are very few if ANY actual "legal" community playspaces in our country? There are many who claim to be legal. Many that think they are legal. But in my research and talking to many people as well as law knowledgeable people, it is not legal anywhere in this country to hit anyone for any reason what so ever. Consensual or not.
Many communities have agreements with local law enforcement because they know we police our people pretty well....as a rule we don't drink or do drugs (I SAID as a rule!) so they agree to leave us alone for the most part.
But we ARE still persecuted! Clubs get raided, events get shut down. We are still portayed as serial killers and murderers and drug users and we go to smoke filled seedy nightclubs and stuff like that.
But when I told people about my idea of us all pulling together to change things...people laughed at me. "BDSM community? Pulling together? Lew! You gotta be kidding! THAT will NEVER happen!!", they said. As I got to know our communities better....I reluctantly...began to agree...
Now I haven't given up completely. But I also haven't come up with a good solution to get us to stop wasting so much time fighting each other and working together.
Education maybe? Everything above I have talked about, to many, many people in the last several years. Many people didn't know our clubs are not legal. Did you? A friendly flogging is against the law people. A caning can get you thrown in jail. Being outed in the nilla world can get you fired from your job. You can lose your kids because of your crazy sex obsessions. All these things STILL happen! Often!
Can't we all just get along?
Anyway, I digressed hugely there. Too much coffee maybe? Righteous indignation? I don't know. Not even sure I spelled that right...lol
Soooo...Chicago. 5 people showed. A really nice couple, a hot Asian babe and a familiar scene person I hadn't seen in a while. Had fun. Small response for a large community...but hey...this WAS last minute...and it WAS Friday...
Maybe I'll try Chicago again sometime....
Oh but wait!!
I almost forgot!
How could I almost forget the best part about my Chicago area visit?!?!!
Lucid Chaos.
We had been corresponding for months and we got together the day before the Chicago thing and had a GREAT time together! We went to Starving Rock State Park and tried to do an outdoor shoot there. The first attempt went badly. The mosquitoes were terrible! We went back to my trailer got the bug spray and went back. But even with 100% deet, the bugs were so bad we couldnt do anything.
So we tried another angle. The "guerrilla" bondage tactic! I tied her torso and arms while she was still in my truck and drove aroound the park looking for cool places. Then I'd help her out, snap some quick shots before anyone came, then put her back in and drive away again giggling like school kids. It was great fun and we even got a couple cool pics. Hope to post some of those soon.

Then we went back n played trailer trash bondage games...lol Like I said...we got along really well. We left a mark on each others lives. Mine on her was more visible...lol
Headed for Nashville now! Just a few minutes ago decided to try for the park thing there. I'll be coming back here in mid October for a Lewbari Weekend so I thought why not stop now to say hi to whoever I can?
I'll let you know how that goes!
8:35 am
The Madison group stop in the park was amazing!! A dozen or so people showed up and we all had a great time! An hour early 3 people showed and we talked and killed time. Really sweet people. Then others showed...including GrayDancer! http://www.graydancer.com/ This guy is quite a character. We've met before and he does that Ropecast thing online: http://www.ropecast.net/ Pretty cool stuff. And he even did a "quicky" interview with me.
Maybe there IS something to this whole rumor about Madison Wisconsin being the Rope Capitol of the World!
Went out to dinner with the gang after the class. Had some VERY tasty cheese curds. Good company too. I feel like I made a few new friends.
Then it was off to the Chicago area to attempt something similar there. "Attempt" and "similar" being the key words there as it turns out. Chicago is a big city. Lots of people. Lots of KINKY people. But there is, it seems, a lot of difference between big city groups and smaller decent sized city groups. Or maybe it's not fair to compare Chicago to the Bondage Capitol of the World Madison, Wisconsin.
I'm not sure anyone has noticed but I travel a lot. Have for around 9 years now. I see lots of communities. I see lots of parallels. Some good. Some not so much. One common denominator that almost every presenter and long time bdsm people notice is that in nearly every group of any size that has been established for several years, there has been a major split. Most times the biggest egos clash and split the communities. Half the people going with each ego. Then those two groups spend HUGE amounts of time NOT working together. And that's putting it mildly.
When I came into this world I was bright eyed and amazed and typically overeager. The internet was changing our world hugely. Some good , maybe some bad....but that's not the point right now. Point is...I likened our world to a history changing time...kinda like the gay rights movements of the 60's. I thought...man!..there are enough of us now that we could all pull together to change our world. Stop our persecution, make society see us as more than serial killers and domestic abusers.
Did you know that there are very few if ANY actual "legal" community playspaces in our country? There are many who claim to be legal. Many that think they are legal. But in my research and talking to many people as well as law knowledgeable people, it is not legal anywhere in this country to hit anyone for any reason what so ever. Consensual or not.
Many communities have agreements with local law enforcement because they know we police our people pretty well....as a rule we don't drink or do drugs (I SAID as a rule!) so they agree to leave us alone for the most part.
But we ARE still persecuted! Clubs get raided, events get shut down. We are still portayed as serial killers and murderers and drug users and we go to smoke filled seedy nightclubs and stuff like that.
But when I told people about my idea of us all pulling together to change things...people laughed at me. "BDSM community? Pulling together? Lew! You gotta be kidding! THAT will NEVER happen!!", they said. As I got to know our communities better....I reluctantly...began to agree...
Now I haven't given up completely. But I also haven't come up with a good solution to get us to stop wasting so much time fighting each other and working together.
Education maybe? Everything above I have talked about, to many, many people in the last several years. Many people didn't know our clubs are not legal. Did you? A friendly flogging is against the law people. A caning can get you thrown in jail. Being outed in the nilla world can get you fired from your job. You can lose your kids because of your crazy sex obsessions. All these things STILL happen! Often!
Can't we all just get along?
Anyway, I digressed hugely there. Too much coffee maybe? Righteous indignation? I don't know. Not even sure I spelled that right...lol
Soooo...Chicago. 5 people showed. A really nice couple, a hot Asian babe and a familiar scene person I hadn't seen in a while. Had fun. Small response for a large community...but hey...this WAS last minute...and it WAS Friday...
Maybe I'll try Chicago again sometime....
Oh but wait!!
I almost forgot!
How could I almost forget the best part about my Chicago area visit?!?!!
Lucid Chaos.
We had been corresponding for months and we got together the day before the Chicago thing and had a GREAT time together! We went to Starving Rock State Park and tried to do an outdoor shoot there. The first attempt went badly. The mosquitoes were terrible! We went back to my trailer got the bug spray and went back. But even with 100% deet, the bugs were so bad we couldnt do anything.
So we tried another angle. The "guerrilla" bondage tactic! I tied her torso and arms while she was still in my truck and drove aroound the park looking for cool places. Then I'd help her out, snap some quick shots before anyone came, then put her back in and drive away again giggling like school kids. It was great fun and we even got a couple cool pics. Hope to post some of those soon.

Then we went back n played trailer trash bondage games...lol Like I said...we got along really well. We left a mark on each others lives. Mine on her was more visible...lol
Headed for Nashville now! Just a few minutes ago decided to try for the park thing there. I'll be coming back here in mid October for a Lewbari Weekend so I thought why not stop now to say hi to whoever I can?
I'll let you know how that goes!
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