Friday the 13?!!'s been since August 1st that I blogged? THAT time went by fast! Maybe because it was so much fun? Could be.
Oh and I noticed that there are NO comments on the last 2 blogs! Is that common on blogs? Is anyone reading these things? Aw well...guess it's all about journaling for posterity right?
Soooo...what's been going on since August 1st?
Fetishcon! That's what! One of my favorite, favorite events of all time! Up until 2 years ago I went to every one of them on my own dime, even though almost every other event I went to paid ME to come. That's how much I like this event. The last 2 years I was too poor to come on my own and the event was gracious enough to give me a full ride. VERY nice of them since they usually only give the pretty girls the free Understandable of course. People ya gotta see at least one Fetishcon in your lifetime. Webpage here:
Why go? Fun people and more beautiful bondage loving women than ANY OTHER EVENT!! Meet your favorite bondage producers and bondage models too.
The event itself goes Thursday through Sunday but it's become a tradition for many of us to meet Wednesday night for a pre party in the lobby bar at the host hotel. THAT is a fun way to start off the event! And this years pre party was even more eventful than many others.
That night I'm sitting around with friends having drinks and talking and waiting for the next beautiful bondage model to walk up to say hi, when suddenly...ONE DOES! lol Jacquelyn Velvets. Lovely, lovely petite blond who I managed to get my ropes on just once last year here. She comes up now giving me that sexy mischievous smile, gives me a hug and talks to us all at my table for a bit. Someone asked her if she had ever been tied up by me and I got to hear her version of the story she has been telling since last year.
She said basically: "I was in the hot tub. Lots of people there. Lew got in, we got introduced and next thing I knew I was hogtied in Lews ropes! I don't know exactly how it happened."

I loved hearing her tell that one...
So now we are all sitting there at the bar and I have a strong desire to tie her up again. Which happens anytime I'm around a pretty girl. So I ask all my friends - WHILE I'm staring at Jacquelyn, I might add - if it's ok to tie up girls at this pre party. Friends said doesn't like it. "Bummer", I say to Jacquelyn. She pouts a bit while holding her arms behind her back....just to tease me.
Then my phone goes off. I have to meet friends at another location. I look around for management. They aren't watching me. Earlier - just in case - I had put a roll of electrical tape in my pocket. I pulled it out. Everyone looked at it. Then looked at me smiling. Including Jacquelyn. I said to her, "turn around". She did. I used everyone at the table like a quarterback uses other players to screen a play, gripped her wrists in one hand and wrapped them quickly and tightly with the other hand. Then I asked her to fill me in about what happens when she sees me next. She said ok, then walked away with a big smile on her face. I said goodbye to friends I was with and as I was leaving I saw Jacquelyn talking to a girl at the other end of the bar like nothing was up.
Hot way to leave a bar. Good way to start a con.
And it only got better...
When I got back later that night a really drunk model got arrested and hauled out handcuffed in front of everyone!
Want more about the con?
always want some more :)))
ReplyDeleteYou got it! Another chapter coming soon. Which includes YOU!
ReplyDeleteCareful what you ask for right?